Unexpected Visit

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Words: 3108

So y'all remember Denise Wayne? No? Well you should go back and read Demonic Bat Children and Blast to the Past! Shit I'm turning this into a self-promo- UH ANYWAYS! She's back! But seriously, I recommend going back to Demonic Bat Children to get a rundown on the characters if you don't remember. 

Synopsis: With her parents out of the city, Denise gets an unexpected visit from somebody from her fathers past... who is the mysterious visitor? What do they want from Denise? Read on to find out!

Who do you think it is? Take your guesses now!


The full moon illuminated Gotham City, while a faint cry could be heard from Wayne Manor. As a young, Maya Wayne, tried to keep the person in the cloak away from her. 

A few minutes ago, Maya heard a noise in the hallways. Curious, she peeked out only to see a slender figure roaming throughout the corridors. 

"Eeep!" She squealed, before realising that it may have been too loud.

She stuck her head back inside the door but it was unfortunately too late. The figure saw and and thrusted the door open. Panicked, Maya threw a pillow at the person only for it to be dodged.

"Get away from me!" Maya shrieked, eyes wide and bottom lip quivering. 

Before she could do anything else, the figure stuck a needle into Maya's neck, releasing a chemical and causing the kid to pass out into the strangers arm.

"Shush, my dear... everything will be alright..."


"Why do I have to go to sleep?!" Thomas exclaimed, crossing his arms.

Denise sighed, not taking her attention away from the tv in her room, glanced at her little brother who had a scowl written on his face. "You have school tomorrow Thomas" she told him. Of course that didn't seem to have any affect on the young boy.

"Well so do you!" he retorted. 

Throwing her head back and groaning, Denise put the remote in her hand down, turned her head to the doorframe and glared at Thomas. "Yeah well I'm studying so I have a reason! Besides, mother and father left me in charge so go. To. Sleep, ya little shit!" she snapped.

Thomas stared at her with wide eyes and his fist clenched. "B-but you're not even studying! You're literally just watching some dumb werewolf show!" Thomas retorted.

"Hey, hey, hey don't you dare do Teen Wolf like that!" Denise reposted. "And I'm gonna study after I finish this episode. Now go be a good kid like your siblings and sleep" 

Okay, well to be fair, comparing Thomas to his siblings about going to sleep wasn't exactly fair. Kyro was incredibly ill today, Denise may or may not have given Rowan sleeping pills, and Maya and Richard just fell asleep after trying to kill each other all day. 

Lacking the motivation to argue anymore, Thomas just stormed to his rooms and slammed the door shut. Feeling a sense of relief and pride wash over her, Denise went back to watching tv. Not 10 minutes later, Denise heard crying coming from Richard's room. 

"Ughhhhhh come on!" 

She jumped out of her bed and made her way to the other said of the manor, angrily cursing and muttering to herself along the way. When she entered the room, she caught Richard trying to climb out of his crib.

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