
508 13 10

Words: 4993

Synopsis: Raven goes to Gotham for a mission and meets up with her former teammate, Damian. Last time they saw each other they admitted to having feelings for each other... and then they parted ways. 

Oh yeah and I have a Tumblr now so go follow me... or don't thats fine to, its the same as my Wattpad username so ya. 


"Why do I have to do this?"

Dick and Kori turned to look at each other. "You're the only one of us they won't suspect Raven," Dick told her. The empath cocked an eyebrow while crossing her arms. 

"Garfield is green, Jaime's scarab still hasn't gotten use to people, Donna's with Diana for the week, and Connor is... Connor" Kori explained.

The Titans had suspected the headmaster at Gotham Academy was smuggling some type of drug at the school.  Why weren't they going to the police about this? Well it was reported by the one and only, Robin, that the unknown drugs somehow got into the cafeteria food and was 'brainwashing' students. 

Damian left the Titans four months ago to finish his education back in Gotham. The reason Raven was very reluctant to go undercover was because before Damian left, he and Raven... admitted to having romantic feelings for each other. 

Of course right after that, he left. Like, the car pulled up and he just... left. They didn't even keep in contact for flips sake!

"Its only for 3 weeks Raven, a month or two at most! Now go pack," Kori said. 

Sighing, Raven stood up and went to her room. Not moments later, Dick poked his head out the doorway and yelled, "BY THE WAY YOUR STAYING IN WAYNE MANOR!"

Upon hearing that, Raven stopped in her tracks.



A car drove into the Batcave and Dick and Raven hoped out. They were met by an old man wearing a tuxedo. The old man and Dick talked for a bit as Raven eyed the cave.

 It was the first time she'd been in there and... it just looked like a cave with cool technology and a dinosaur. Why the heck was Garfield talking when he said this was one of the coolest secret bases in the world?! Had he even been in here before?!

"Raven, this is Alfred, he'll show you to where you'll be staying" Dick explained. "Well, bye!" 

"Wait are you just gonna leave me!" Raven exclaimed after realising what he'd just said. Shrugging, Dick told her, "you'll be fine!" and hopped into his car. 

After conversing a little bit with Alfred, the butler took Raven's bags and escorted her out of the cave. They reached the room she was supposed to be staying in. 

"Would you like a tour of the manor Miss Roth?" he asked to which she replied, "Raven, and no thank you, I think I'll just get settled in". 

He gave a small nod and left. Raven closed the door and eyed the bedroom. Everything looked pristine, as if this was the first time somebody has been in it. 

Not feeling the motivation the unpack, she sat down on her bed and checked her school timetable on her phone. 

Nothing really interesting, just the basics like, literacy, mathematics, physical education etc and after that she opened the wardrobe to reveal a spotless 'Gotham Academy' uniform. 

It was just a blue and grey plaid skirt, with a royal blue blazer with a white-button up blouse and a red tie. The blazer had the school logo embroidered onto the left side.

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