Now Strip!

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2nd Person POV

Around 2 days have passed since the last chapter and the scene begins with a certain lovable and huggable multicoloured girl walking through the halls of Beacon, wearing her Beacon uniform, with no real goal in mind.

Students around give her wary looks, as they are still cautious of her and her father, Roman, but she pays them no heed, as a smile graces her pretty face.

Neo: "(Hmmm... what to do, what to do... I wonder where (y/n) went... or Ruby)" she thinks, having lost the two of you after classes ended. "(Ah no... I remember! (y/n) is in the library, and Ruby said she'd go to the dorm, right)" she remembers, now setting course to said library.

After walking for a few minutes and taking quite a few turns she finally arrives in front of the library doors.

Gently opening them, she steps inside looking around.

Neo: "(Now, where is he?)" she thinks, as her legs start moving.

Peeking down some isles of bookshelves, she finally spots you reading a book, standing in front of a bookshelf.

Walking over to you, you hear her footsteps, to which you look at her emotionlessly.

Neo: "Hey, what are you doing?" she asks with a smile, now standing beside you.

(y/n): "Not a lot... I just want to have your initial... in our team name, so I've... been thinking about it for the last two days... when I decided to check the library to learn more about... how Remnant used to be... I actually found a word... we could use...! It's actually just a translation of our current... team name..." you answer with a soft smile, to which Neo blushes a little, but a burst of happiness appears within.

Neo: "What is it? And thank you for making the effort" she responds, as you close the book, placing it back.

(y/n): "You're welcome... Our current team name RWBYY, means the word Ruby... out new one could be... RWBYYN, which would be pronounced... Rubin... it's a word from the old Atlesian language... Weiss' name and surname are from that time... it's called German, but it mostly faded with time... at least that's what I read... anyways, Rubin is just Ruby translated into English... which is a strange yet perfect coincidence..." you explain, as Neo's eyes widen in awe and surprise.

(A/N: "To the Person who suggested this idea... Vielen Dank für die Blumen! Vielen Dank wie lieb von dir! Anyway, I'm not gonna write their name since I don't know if they want me to. If you do, write to me and I'll mention you in the next chapter! Enjoy the rest of this chapter).

Neo: "That is a crazy coincident for SURE! RWBYYN... Rubin, huh? It sounds strange, but it IS another language so, yeah" she types amazed.

(y/n): "It does... but I might be pronouncing the word wrong... maybe I should ask Weiss if she knows... the proper pronunciation... for she might've studied this... German perhaps..." you tell Neo stoically.

Neo: "Yeah, seems like a good idea, I'm quite curious myself if you pronounced it right" she nods in agreement. "I mean I can't speak but I'd probably butcher it if I could" she adds jokingly, to which you smile softly.

(y/n): "Perhaps... Anyways, should we... go to Headmaster Ozpin...? To present to the name change..." you question.

Neo: "Sure! But shouldn't we ask the others if they're okay with it?" she responds, as the two of you begin walking.

You ponder a little about this, before looking at Neo, shaking your head.

(y/n): "Ruby... won't mind, since it's still her name... just translated... and she wants to have your... initial in the team name... Weiss will probably be pleased too... considering it's from the same language her name originates from... Yang is pretty casual... about this stuff, so she'll be... how does she say it again... Cool with it...?" you answer, knowing your teammates pretty well. "As for... Blake..." you continue with an icy tone and a scary expression.

Assassin On Remnant (Male Akame Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now