Chapter 11~Vlad

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The door opened quickly. As soon as he saw me Vlad looked worried.

"Is everything alright? Why are you all dressed up?"

"Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you. May I come in?"

"Of course." He stepped aside and I walked right on in. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I just felt like I needed to get something off my chest. You see I have a secret or at least I know someone's secret. And I just wanted to ask you for some advice on how to proceed. Should I tell the person I know their secrets? Should I punish them because of what I've learned? So many variables. So little time to go through them all." I feel Vlad tense up next to me.

"It depends on what the secret is."

"Someone lied to me. I don't like liars." I looked Vlad in the eyes. I could tell he started to get more anxious and suspicious.

"What do you mean you don't have a lot of time?"

"Oh, I have a lot of time. On the other hand, the other person doesn't. You see like I said I am not fond of people who lie so I'm kind of on a short fuse."

"If they lied to you then ask them to tell you the truth. I'm sure they will."

"I don't think he will tell me the truth."

"People surprise you."

"Alright then. Tell me the truth, Vlad. Why sell my secrets to the Americans?" I look him in the eyes and he is shocked and I can see fear.

"What do you mean? I wouldn't!" I start laughing a wicked crazy laugh. Some would probably say that I was insane.

"But you would. Wouldn't you?" I ask him coming closer with a huge smile on my face. "I thought I asked you to tell me the truth and yet you stand there lying."

"It's not what you think."

"DON'T TELL ME I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" I raise my voice my anger radiating off of me. Vlad steps back. "I'VE SEEN THE PICTURES AND THE DATA! SO TELL ME THE TRUTH!" The walls were shaking now.

"I've done it for you! All because of you! I just wanted you to be safe! This was the best way possible. The Americans get your data and help find a cure so you can go live a normal life! That's all I wanted for you!"

"Did you ever ask me what I want? No. You didn't." I step closer to him and scoff. "Look at you. Pathetic. Rumbling on and on about what's good for me but did you ever stop to think about what happens if I'm cured? They would kill me and you and then what? Could you possibly be any stupider?"

"All I wanted to do was protect you."

"And all I wanted was.....the truth." By now I'm so close to him I can hear his heartbeat moving so fast and I came to a realization. "You didn't tell me the truth. The truth is you're terrified of me and what I can do. It was in your best interest to get rid of the problem but, you've grown fond of me, haven't you? So you could never have the guts to kill me. No. So instead you sell secrets to find a fantasy cure that would solve all your problems." My whip slithers down into my hand forming a gun with a lion imprint at the end of the barrel. I hold the gun up to Vlad's head. "Do you like it? I've asked the General to make me one after you didn't. Ironic isn't it?"

"Please don't do this. You'll always remember this. It will haunt you forever."

"What's wrong with a couple of ghosts? The answer is.....nothing."


"Knock knock," I say sarcastically to the door. I hear grumbling and footsteps coming to the door.

"Who is it?" The General opened the door and gasped to see what was rolling at his feet.

"It's done. Consider this a gift."

The object stops rolling and the General sees the head.

"Good job, Blood Queen. We had the utmost faith in you. We can't wait to see what comes next."

"Neither can I."

*Ten Years Later*

"You've found it? You crazy bastard you found it." I stare in shock at what is in front of me. A blue cube radiating light across the room. Red Skull has finally found the tesseract. No one but me calls him Red Skull because no one else has the guts. Both me and Red have been searching for the tesseract for a while ever since we found out the data on me that Vlad sent away was made into a serum to enhance a soldier. You see the thing that is in me is so strong they had to dilute it even to put it into the serum. Hydra tried to do it and Red was the volunteer but, it didn't exactly work out the way it was planned. So we work together to stop any American advancements. Hail Hydra. Right?

"Yes, yes I know it took a while but, here it is."

"And the serum? Do you have a lead?"

"Yes. Some Americans have it in the finalization stages. We need you to go undercover to get it."

"I see. Where do you need me to go?"

"The US Army of course."

"This is going to be so much fun." I smile.

*2 Days Later*

"Name?" The clerk asked me.

"Y/N" he looked at me then at my papers and looked at me again. And shrugged.

"Alright. You're in. Welcome to the US Army."

"Thank you so very much." I smile.

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