Looking at the damage

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Linda knew she had to keep a steady pace when walking to Bayley. Linda knew any sudden move would trigger Sasha protective side. Linda didn't want to get into a battle with Sasha.  Linda knew at the moment, new horns are stronger. "Sasha, I need to turn back into my human self so that I can look at Bayley injury." Linda tells Sasha. Sasha shook her head yes to let Linda know she understood she was aware of what she was doing. Linda watched as Sasha laid herself next to Bayley. Linda could see Bayley laying there and not moving. Linda moved closer to Bayley before shifting back to her human self. Linda knew she would need to get Bayley to wake up.

"Hey baby girl, I'm so proud of you for saving Sasha mom. Sasha wouldn't be happy with herself, if she would have killed her mother. Now I need you to open your eyes for me. I need you to roll to your back so I can see your injury." Linda tells Bayley. Bayley did as her mother wanted her to. "Mom where is Sasha at?" Bayley asked. "She laying right next to you and she is beautiful as a tiger." Linda said. Linda noticed Bayley shoulder was dislocated and a new marking was forming on her shoulder. "Sasha can I look at your shoulder please?" Linda asked. Sasha got up and moved by Linda. Linda noticed the same marking was on Sasha shoulder. "It looks like a new marking has formed on both of you. It shows you both belong to each other. I have the same marking as your dad did." Linda said.

"Mom I think the shoulder is dislocated not broken! We will need to reset my shoulder so I can shifted. You know it will heal fast once I shift into a tiger."Bayley tells her mom. "Bayley I will need Roman help to reset your shoulder. Will Sasha be ok with him coming to help?" Linda asked. Bayley looked at Sasha "Babe, I know you are very protective right now but I need you to keep your emotions under control please. I will need you to come lay next to my head please." Bayley tells Sasha. "Will you be ok once Roman helps you?" Sasha asked. "Yes, I just need to shift and my shoulder can heel. Mom go ahead and call Roman and can you take Sasha on her first run?" Bayley asked.

Linda knew this was heartbreaking for Bayley to ask this of her. It really should be Bayley going on the run and showing Sasha what to do. "Bayley, this is something you need to do with her. It will kill you inside if your not out there. Even if you can't run at full speed. You can still teacher what is needs to know." Linda said. "Mom, I don't want Sasha to miss out on the things she needs to know." Bayley said. "Bayley, I don't want to go without you! This is all my fault and I've been waiting to do this for the past month. Why did my mom ruin this for me." Sasha said.

"Sasha, look at me please! You need to relax before your temper get out of hand and you attack again. I love you and I want to be with you." Bayley said kissing Sasha nose. Sasha let out a low growl when Roman appeared next to Linda. "Sasha please lay next to me while they set my shoulder." Bayley tells Sasha. Sasha moved over to Bayley side without taken her eyes of Roman or Linda. "Bayley are you sure you will be ok?" Sasha asked. "Yes my love I will be and we can run together." Bayley said.

Sasha looked a towards the windows and noticed Liv and Trish looking out the window. Sasha can feel her anger raising as she watched as Trish wrapped her arm around Liv. Before Bayley could say anything to Sasha, she sprinted a towards the glass at full speed and hit the glass. "Sasha really mad about something. Here we go, just relax and I can reset the arm." Roman said. Bayley let out a load growl when Roman set her arm. Sasha stopped pacing back and forth when she heard Bayley growl.

Sasha sprinted back to Bayley side, "are you ok?" Sasha asked in a panic. "Sasha I'm ok, please keep your eyes on me and no one else. We need to get you on your run so it will clear your mind.." Bayley said. "Dear, can you please shift, so we can check you out." Linda asked Bayley. Bayley shifted without thinking twice about it. Bayley could feel her shoulder/leg starting to heel. Bayley gave it a few minutes before putting weight on her leg. "Mom can you run with us so you can show Sasha how to climb a tree? I don't think my leg will be up for that. Sasha is that ok with you if my mom shows you how to go up a tree?" Bayley asked both Sasha and her mom.

"I would be happy to help Sasha with that if she will be ok with me here." Linda said. "I'm ok with it, Bayley are you sure you are ok to run love?" Sasha asked. "I'll be slow at first but I'll be able to go faster after awhile. Roman thank you for setting my shoulder." Bayley said. "Your welcome, I'll see you two tomorrow and Linda I would like to get you back to the White House before I go in my death sleep."Roman said. "I should only be an half an hour and you can take me back." Linda said.

With that Roman disappeared and reappeared in the lobby next to Liv. "Is Sasha still mad at me Roman?" Trish asked. "Right now I would say yes, I get your worried about her but you shouldn't have taken the risk. Bayley told you what was going to happen and you were lucky Bayley stepped in the way. I could tell it was hard for Sasha to keep her temper under control when I was helping Bayley. Sasha kept growling each time I tried setting Bayley shoulder in place. Let me ask you this, how do you think Sasha would have felt if she killed Bayley? We all know Bayley can come back but how much pain do you think Sasha would of felt and the babies?" Roman asked.

"I know, but all I could think about was my late husband and I didn't want to lose Sasha. I just got her back and it's thanks to Bayley. I didn't think Sasha would ever be able to have kids and the thought of her losing them as well clouded my judgement. I didn't even see Sasha leap at me and Bayley coming out of no where to hold Sasha back. I never meant for Bayley to get hurt and I do feel bad that I didn't treat her right today." Trish said. "Well it's over now and your going to have give Sasha time. This is a lot for person to deal with.

"We do crazy things for family and for the ones we love. Trish, you will have to give both of them time. I know you don't want to hear this but you will have to wait for Sasha to come to you. Linda told me after Sasha charged the glass, that she will feel like herself again once she gets to run. The first shift brings up feeling that normally a person will keep bottled up. Sasha was on high alert, she only let me help Bayley because Bayley talked to her. Sasha calmed down after that but never took her eyes off me." Roman said.

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