How could this be

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After a few hours of running, Sasha wanted to be with Bayley. "I can hear what you are thinking and I want you too." Bayley tells Sasha. Sasha let out a low growl as she chased Bayley down. "I'm glad you can hear my thoughts and you know what I want. Should we head back to the house and get cleaned up?" Sasha asked. "Anything you want, you are the boss. Do you want to see who can make it to the house first?" Bayley said. Bayley got up and noticed a figure walking into the shadows. "Sasha head back to the house and lock yourself inside." Bayley ordered. "I'm not leaving you out here with whoever that is. We are a team and we can do this together." Sasha said. Sasha heard Bayley let out a low growl and she could feel Bayley wasn't happy with her decision to stay.

Sasha shifted back to human form and knew Bayley would be mad. Sasha texted Roman and in a few seconds Linda and Roman appeared. "Why is Bayley still a tiger for?" Linda asked. "She feels it's the best way to protect me." Sasha said. Linda noticed Bayley move closer to Sasha. "Bayley what do you see?" Linda asked "two men watching us." Bayley tells her mother. Bayley without warning charged a towards the two men in hiding.

"Sir, you know your daughter has spotted you? Should we leave or are you planning to make your present known?" The man asked Eddie. "I'm waiting for two more to appear and I will let them know I'm still alive. My daughter has picked up my scent and soon will my wife." Eddie said never taken his eyes off Bayley. "Sir, your daughter doesn't look like she playing around and could come at us!" The man said. "Oh, I know she will come at us but won't until her mom arrives to protect her wife. Look that didn't take long and now she will come as well." Eddie said. Sure enough Bayley charged a towards their location and pounce on Eddie. "What a beautiful tiger you have become my princess." Eddie said to Bayley.

Bayley was taken back the man knew who she was and called her princess. "Get off him!" The man yelled at Bayley and was a bout to hit her with the staff he was holding. A few second later Linda, Sasha and Roman were standing there in shock. Roman caught the staff before it hit Bayley. This made Bayley mad and was showing her fangs more than ever. "Do you mine calling off are daughter. Before she decides to bite me in the neck. I don't want to go through my 5th death." Eddie asked Linda. "Actually she doesn't listen to me but maybe her wife will call her off for you." Linda said. Sasha wasn't sure if she wanted to call Bayley off at all. In the end Sasha knew Bayley would be mad at herself if she hurt this man. "Bayley I need you by my side! He won't do anything to us." Sasha said to Bayley mentally. Bayley did what Sasha asked and back off the man. "Can you please shift back into your human form?" Sasha asked.

Soon Bayley was back to herself, standing next to Sasha. Eddie looked at Bayley with love and wanted to go hug her. Sasha moved in front of Bayley making sure Eddie wouldn't get any closer. "How do we know who you really are and didn't you die 20 years ago?" Sasha asked. Bayley was thankful Sasha had asked the question that was bugging her. "You are a very smart woman and I could see why my daughter loves you so much. Have the nightmares ended yet or are you still having them?"Eddie asked. Sasha wasn't sure if she should thank him or tell him off for not coming back for Bayley. "The nightmare are still coming. Why didn't you come back for your wife and kid than? Why stay away so long?" Sasha asked.

Linda was impressed with Sasha and the questions she was asking Eddie. How mad Linda was at Eddie for still being alive and staying away. Linda still loved Eddie as much as she did the day she ran into him. "Why didn't you come find me and Bayley? Do you know how hard it was for me to bury you!" Linda said. Sasha looked at Bayley and could tell she didn't want to hear the excuse that her father was going to give. "Are you ok my love?" Sasha asked. "Honestly, I feel like my life is a lie and who can I trust anymore." Bayley said as she was about to walk away from all this. "Wait, you can trust me and you know that! Please talk to me." Sasha asked Bayley.

"Can you please just take me somewhere away from them." Bayley asked. "I'll take you anywhere you want to go my love as long as I'm with you." Sasha said. "Please don't go we need to talk about this. Yes Linda, I know it was hard and I'm sorry for that." Eddie said. "Why should I stay? I find out that Roman is my uncle and now your alive? I've had enough to deal with and the only one I want to be with right now is Sasha." Bayley said. "I know this has been a rough day for you but we need to hear him out." Linda told Bayley.

"Mom, I've done nothing but listen to all that you and Roman have told me." Bayley said. "Linda, Roman and Eddie can we do this tomorrow? Let Bayley have some time to let this all sink in. It won't do any good if she upset like this." Sasha said. "I agree with you on this as well. Take a couple of days and we can meet up again. This will give me time to talk to you Eddie before we talk to are daughter. Do you agree with that Bayley and Sasha?" Linda asked. Sasha looked at Bayley before she answered for them. "Linda, we should talk about this now so we can clear everything up." Eddie said.

"Eddie she isn't going anywhere and giving Bayley a few days is always the best. Sasha will watch over her and make sure Bayley meets up with us." Linda said looking at Sasha. "I will let you and Roman know when Bayley is ready to talk. I won't push her into anything she isn't ready for. Do you agree to meet with them in a few days Bayley?" Sasha asked. Eddie never took his eyes off Bayley and wanted her to talk to him. Sasha noticed Eddie moved closer to Bayley but Sasha moved Bayley behind her. "Listen I know you want to talk to her but you need to give her time." Sasha said to Eddie.

Bayley was thankful for Sasha being here and making sure they give her time. "Listen to me princess we need to talk. I will help you understand what happened to me." Eddie said mentally to Bayley. Sasha could tell Bayley was hearing something. Sasha reached up and touched Bayley cheek and Bayley looked at her. "Are you ok my love." Sasha asked. "I need time and would like you to respect that." Bayley mentally told her dad. "Can we please go Sasha?" Bayley asked. "Wait one moment please. Eddie do not mentally contact Bayley! Let her have her time to take this all in." Linda said angrily. "Linda, It's important for me to train Bayley so she can pass it along to her kids." Eddie said. "Eddie give her time and she will come around." Linda said. "Come Bayley let's go home." Sasha said to Bayley.

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