Moving forward

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Sasha lay awake, worried that her nightmares were trying to tell her something. Sasha was still trying to remember who the hooded figure was in her dream. She knew who the person was, but why would the person say Bayley took her away from them? Sasha turned herself so she could look at Bayley, and all Sasha wanted to do was cry. The images of Bayley beating to near death kept coming back. The last thing Bayley said to her before she woke up was, "I will always love you, even in death! You were the one that gave me hope for a better tomorrow. I love you with all my heart." Bayley said before she took her last breath.

Sasha kissed Bayley's forehead and let the tears run down her face silently. Sasha wouldn't let anyone hurt Bayley, and she would need to get to the bottom of these dreams. Sasha decided that she would see Roman and ask him if he had ever experienced these types of dreams before. Sasha could tell Bayley was worried about her and what the dreams were also telling her. But Bayley was trying to protect her and the babies from the stress. Sasha decided she needed to move around for a while; she didn't want to go back to sleep. The truth was Sasha didn't want to see the dream again. Sasha didn't know how much more she really could take.

Sasha went outside and sat on the deck. The fresh air helped Sasha clear her mind. Sasha loved the fact Bayley gave her the days and nights back. But none of it was worth it if she lost Bayley. Sasha knew there was so much more to share with Bayley and soon with their children. Sasha wondered what it would be like once the kids were born and how much of a handle they might be. When she got changed into a vampire, she lost her days. She never thought she would have kids and find her true love. While sitting there, something caught her eye, and she noticed a man in tribal clothing standing by the lake. Sasha got up and looked back at the house and worried about leaving Bayley alone. What if this was a trap to get her away from Bayley? Sasha couldn't bring herself to walk too far from the house, and the man seemed to notice that. The man started to walk towards Sasha at a steady pace.

The man finally stood in front of Sasha with a smile. "You are safely sleeping next to my daughter in the house. Your body is tired, and you need rest, young lady." Bayley's father said. "Your, Eddie, Bayley's father, right?" Sasha said, surprised. "Yes, you remember me from my last visit to you or the painting you got, Bayley?" Eddie asked. "No, I remember who you are; I'm just surprised that you came to me and not Bayley," Sasha said. "You need me more than Bayley does right now. Bayley is worried about you and your kids. I'm here to help you get through your nightmares." Eddie said.

"Thank you, I've been having the same nightmares for a while, and now they are coming in clearer than before," Sasha said. "Your dreams are a gateway to your worries and fears. It would help if you saw where it goes to understand what is going on. You are afraid of your future with Bayley. Once you figure out what you're scared of, it will help you understand." Eddie said. "Your right. I'm afraid she will wake up and decide she doesn't want me anymore, and she'll leave like everyone else has in my life. I don't know how I will deal with that." Sasha said.

Eddie understood where Sasha was coming from and her worries. Eddie worried daily that Linda would tire of living with the tribe and take Bayley away. "I understand your worries, and I know my daughter would rather die than leave you and the kids," Eddie said. "I know this is so much to take in. We hadn't known each other for long, and we got married. I'm pregnant with four babies at once. Then the nightmares of someone hurting Bayley are heartbreaking. I don't know how to protect her." Sasha said. "That doesn't matter how long you two knew each other! All that matters is that you found each other." Eddie said.

Sasha knew Eddie was right and Bayley was meant for her. "The nightmares are your fears coming to light. You haven't let anyone love you as Bayley loves you. Losing her scares you, and I know that firsthand. When Linda had Bayley, I worried she would leave for a better life. Linda was my true love and mate, but it's hard living off the land like we did. Linda came from a good life and gave it up for me. Bayley meant everything to me, showing she was gifted from birth. Not only was she half a vampire, but she inherited my gifts. I never told Linda that Bayley was already shifting after three months old. Bayley took me by surprise one day and shifted back. She would laugh so hard each time she would do it. She was the light in my darkness like she is yours." Eddie said.

"Once I met her, I knew there was no turning back. I wanted her, and I was willing to change until Dean said she was a shifter. Even that didn't scare me; it made me want her even more. Now these nightmares hunt me, and I don't know how to move forward, and I know I need to. Not just for me but for Bayley too." Sasha said. "Moving forward is a step, but you still need to face your fear, and I will help you get through it. We will have to visit your nightmare to help you move on." Eddie said.

Suddenly, Sasha and Eddie were in the White House, walking through the halls. They both could hear someone talking and laughing. "You won't survive this, and she won't be coming for you. She is self-centered and only cares about herself and her career." The mystery person said. "Sasha, stop for a moment and breath in and out. Relax your mind and focus on what you want to find out. Take us to the room where you believe Bayley is being held." Eddie told Sasha.

Once again, the scene changed, and they watched it play out. Sasha looked at Eddie and noticed anger and sadness in his eyes. Sasha could tell Eddie wanted to interfere but knew he couldn't. Sasha watched as she ran in and pushed the hooded person away from Bayley. "My love, please hang in there. I don't want to live without you, and you need to hold on to our family." Sasha said.

"You too late; soon she will be out of your life." The hooded person said. "I don't want her out of my life! I love her, and she makes me happy. After everything that's happened to me, she brought me back. Who are you to decide what's best for me? I never got a choice when I was attacked and turned into a vampire; then, this wonderful person came into my life and gave me back the sun. She brought me happiness. What the hell is your issues with her? Bayley is a wonderful person and bring happiness to me." Sasha yelled at the hooded person. Sasha kissed Bayley on the head and then got up to face the hooded person. Sasha pulled off the hood, "Oh my god, how could you do this to me. Have you lost your mind? What the fuck is your problem?" Sasha said in surprise.

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