We both made mistakes

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"You know Sir, your going to have to tell Linda how you survived and why you didn't go looking for them. I mean you did leave them and let her believe that you died that day." Rey said to Eddie. Eddie knew Rey was right and all this does fall on him because he didn't go after them. But in Eddie defense he felt it was the best way to keep them safe. Specially his daughter that is gifted be on anyone beliefs. "Don't you think I'm aware of what I have done and what my daughter has gone through. What I did was to protect them both and if people thought I had died than it protected them more. No one knew I had a child and that was a good thing. If they find out how special she really is it could be bad for her. Now she is having kids of her own and that makes me worried that there isn't enough protection for her." Eddie said

Rey thought for a moment before saying something that could piss off his master. "Sir, could her off spring have the same abilities? Her wife was bitten by your daughter and can shift without the full moon." Rey pointed out. "I'm aware of that but there could be more to Ms. Banks than we know. We just have to find out her back story. I'm not saying my daughter blood isn't special but there could be more to Banks that's helped her shift easier. I need you to do a back ground check on Sasha Banks. If my hunch is right, she might have had shifter blood in her already before getting turned to a vampire." Eddie said.

"Yes Sir, is there anything else I need to find out?" Rey asked. "Yes, I want you to find out where this person name Alister Black is located at. He is a problem and he needs to be handled. Once you find all the information I asked for than come back to me." Eddie ordered. Rey left and Eddie stood there thinking about Linda. He knew he had to make peace with her before Bayley would let him back in her life. Eddie was aware how bad life was for Bayley living with Flair. Eddie couldn't understand why Linda didn't do more to protect Bayley from Flair. Eddie pulled out his phone and texted Linda. "We need to talk. Can you come to my location?" Eddie waited for a response and wasn't sure if Linda would text back.

"What do you want to talk about?" Linda text back. "I want to clear the air between us." Eddie texted. "I don't think we should talk until Roman can come with me." Linda texted back. "Are you afraid to be alone with me?" Eddie texted back to Linda. "No I'm not afraid to be alone with you. I'm not sure I should give you the time of day at this point." Linda texted. "I think you are afraid that your feelings for me will be overwhelming for you to handle." Eddie texted smiling at himself. Eddie knew he wanted Linda back but Flair was in the way for that to happen. Eddie waited for Linda to text back but instead he looked up to see Linda standing in front of him.

"I'm only going to give you 15 minutes to tell me how you managed to come back to life." Linda said. "I've always told you that my abilities are different from other shifter's. When you buried me I was in a rebirth state. Once you put me into the ground my body started healing off the earth and those who passed. A few days later I woke up and you were gone. I wasn't strong enough to leave the area to go looking for you. I had found some of my people who had survived and told me what you did. They said you disappeared after you buried the dead. The only thing they didn't know if Bayley survived. Once I was healthy enough I traveled to the states looking for you. I found out you married Rick and Bayley was still alive. I had people watch her and I knew what she was going through. I couldn't understand why you didn't protect are daughter more?" Eddie asked.

"There is no excuse I could give you that would make this any better. I should have done more and listen when Bayley told me what was happening. When I finally realized what was going on it was to late. Bayley left and erased her life. She found out what your last name was and took it. She didn't want any part of Rick in her life. The mental abuse that he put her through wasn't right. The day Bayley lost her second life I should have stayed with her. Instead Rick locked her in the room and took me to the hospital. Bayley felt betrayed by me and confused that she could shift at will. She never told me she could shift. When she left Roman men found where she was staying and I teleported to her apartment. I found she only had a dog bed in the corner and no other furniture. I figured out that she was advanced in her shifting abilities. I told Roman and he wanted Bayley to come to Boston." Linda said.

Eddie knew Bayley would have it rough. "Do you know anything about Sasha?" Eddie asked. "I know she was attacked and Roman changed her on her mother request. She fell in love with Bayley on first sight. Bayley has been more happier with Sasha in her life. I don't want that to change so, stop whatever you are planning to do when it comes to Sasha." Linda tells Eddie. "I just want to make sure are daughter is in good hands with her." Eddie said looking at Linda like she was prize that got away from him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Linda asked. "Because you are still as beautiful to me as you were the first day I seen you in the forest. I won't lie, I still love you and I want you back." Eddie said reaching his hand up and placing it on Linda cheek. Linda wasn't sure what came over her but she leaned in and kissed Eddie. It didn't take long for Eddie to return the kiss.

Sasha and Bayley did the tourist thing like anyone else that would visits the island. Sasha could tell Bayley was enjoying herself and Sasha was loving the smile that was Bayley face. Sasha knew Bayley really hasn't had a lot to smile about for the past few days. This trip seemed to help bring the smile back. "Hey where are we hiking to my love?" Sasha asked. "I'm not sure but something is pulling me in this direction. I guess I will know when we get there. Do you want me to carry you? Are you getting tired? I know you are carrying a litter of puppies." Bayley said taking Sasha hand. Sasha loved that feeling she gets when Bayley and her touch. If this wasn't a public area she would take Bayley right now. Her inner beast wants her mate. "You have to wait for that my love. I know you want me and my inner beast wants you too." Bayley said with a devilish smile. Sasha felt a blush come across her face when Bayley smiled at her.

Sasha now could feel the pull that Bayley was feeling. Bayley lead them off the pathway and ended up in a beautiful opening with a waterfall. "What is this place it doesn't look like it get visitors?" Sasha pointed out. "I believe it the burial spot for the moon goddess. Here we need to place the flowers by the edge of the pool of water. It's to honor the goddess for the gifts she gave us." Bayley said handing the flowers to Sasha. "These flowers are beautiful. What type are they?" Sasha asked. "They are moon lilies and I got you some in my bag as well my love. Here follow me but don't touch the water." Bayley said.

Sasha wonder why they couldn't touch the the water. Sasha noticed the water looked inviting and it would be fun to swim in. Bayley looked at Sasha and kissed her on the cheek. "What was that for?" Sasha asked. "It was to bring you back from your day dream of going into the water. See the water is actually the gravesite for moon goddess. It's just best not to disturb the water." Bayley said. Sasha did what Bayley did and place the flowers close to the water edge. "Now move back from the water please and stay behind me." Bayley tells Sasha. Sasha did what Bayley told her and heard Bayley say, "This is a gift to the moon goddess that gave us the ability to shift. We ask that goddess except are gift as a thank you."

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