So many questions

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Sasha wrapped her arms around Bayley and they disappeared. "Where did Sasha take Bayley?" Eddie asked. "I sent them away for a while so Bayley can get her thoughts together. She had a rough day and you still being alive has added to that stress." Roman said. "I should have the right to tell my daughter what happened that night and where I've been. I know she has questions and I'm the only one to answer them." Eddie said angrily. "You have no right to be mad at Bayley wife for taken her somewhere far away from you. If you cared anything about us you would have come back sooner."Linda said with the same amount of anger. "Linda, you know who I am and my abilities. Death has never been an issue with me. For the record our daughter has the same abilities and possibility her kids will have these gifts too." Eddie said.

Linda didn't know what to say but she wanted answers. Speciality to what Eddie just said but knew they needed to find out if this really was her dead husband. "Before we get to your story, I want you to go back to Roman lab. I want him to run test on you to prove who you are." Linda said. "I told you who I was but if you need these test done than I will do it." Eddie said. Roman wanted to make sure Eddie was who he says he was for Linda and Bayley peace of mind. Roman wondered how powerful Eddie's and Bayley was. "We will teleport you to my lab and run the test. Your guard can come as well." Roman said. "Linda we need to talk privately and work this out." Eddie said.

Eddie just wanted to be with Linda and work all this out. Than he could get to know his daughter but wasn't sure when she would be back. "Will you let me talk to are daughter on her return?" Eddie asked Linda. "That is not up to me but up to her." Linda said. "Or do you mean up to Sasha? Sasha seems to be very protective of Bayley. I know she worried your husband will take her away." Eddie said. "Yes Sasha, is protective of Bayley. Something I should have been better at over the years. But if Bayley wants to talk to you, Sasha will not get in the way. Plus, we both should be happy that Bayley has someone that wants to protect her." Linda said.

"Let's get to the lab! I have my team standing by. Linda you teleport Eddie and I will take his guard. Eddie you and your guard can stay at SSI." Roman said. A few minutes later they where outside the back door at SSI. Roman let them in and Linda noticed Becky security team was standing by to a escort them to the labs. Linda pulled Roman aside, "Here take this, it has Eddies blood in it. I took it the night he died and should help to prove if it's him or not." Linda said handing Roman the necklace. "Are you sure you want me to use this sample? It's all you have left of Eddie if this guys turns out to be a fraud." Roman said. "Yes, we need to know and I need to protect Bayley. This is the only way we can find out the truth. If he really is Eddie, I'm going to kick is ass for being away from us all these years." Linda said.

Bayley realized that they weren't inside their house. They were at another location Bayley never been before. Bayley watched as Sasha disappeared and returned a few minutes later with some of their stuff. Sasha reached up and touched Bayley face as she put their stuff down. "Sasha where are we at? I've never seen this place before?" Bayley asked. "We are in Egypt, this is one of Roman houses. He gave me the keys when you and your mom were talking to you dad. Roman thought it was best we leave the area for a while and let you figure this all out. He didn't want anymore stress on us as well." Sasha said.

Bayley was surprised that she was in Egypt. She always wanted to vacation here but never was allowed to travel over this way. Bayley wasn't sure what to say so she just pulled Sasha into a hug and kissed her. Sasha was taken by surprise by Bayley reaction but enjoyed the feeling Bayley gives her when they kiss. "I'm assuming you are happy I brought you here than?" Sasha asked Bayley when they broke apart. "Yes  I am, I've always wanted to come here. But Rick was afraid I would lose control and shift in front of someone." Bayley said. "Well Roman said if you need to shift you can. This is a private area and we can run without worry. But I think we will need to run at night when it's not so hot." Sasha said. "Do you feel like you can shift again and run with me?" Bayley asked.

"Yes if you want me too. I loved running with you and I preferred to be with you. Don't worry the babies are doing ok. They seem to enjoy the run as well." Sasha said kissing Bayley again. "That is great! How long are we staying here for?" Bayley asked. "As long as you need to get your thoughts together. Your work can wait and Roman knows that. The most important thing is figuring this all out. We can go and see the sights if you like as well." Sasha said leading Bayley to the master bed room. "Wow what a room. This is like apartment not a bedroom. Should we be in here?" Bayley asked.

Sasha just smiled at Bayley as she continued to pull her a towards the bed. "You sound like a little kid that might be caught doing something wrong." Sasha said with a devilish smile. "Well this is Roman house and you expect that he has brought Liv here." Bayley said as Sasha pulled off her shirt. Sasha ran her hand over Bayley abs and licked her lips. Sasha inner beast wanted her love and wasn't going to wait much longer. "Bayley, no one is going to walk in on us and if they did they will get a good show. I want to be with you right now." Sasha said pushed Baley down on the bed.

Sasha crawled on top of Bayley and started kissing Bayley neck. Sasha finally heard what she was hoping for a low growl coming from her love. Sasha stopped long enough to look into Bayley eyes. Sure enough, Sasha saw the beast inside Bayley was awake and she wanted more. Sasha knew they can deal with family issues later. Right now it's all about them and being together. Sasha knew they were in for a fun night.

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