Working out family issues pt4

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Sasha was lost for words and didn't know what to think. Bayley still wanted to kill herself if something happened to her and the kids. Sasha couldn't hold back anymore and needed to say something to Bayley. "How could you still want that stuff you created?" Sasha asked Bayley. "It's mine, I created it and it's a backup plan if something happens to you and the kids. I know you don't like it but I want it still." Bayley said. "You don't need it! I don't want you to have it." Sasha yelled. Bayley wasn't sure how to answer Sasha. Bayley knew Sasha was right and she didn't need it anymore. But she felt she still needed to keep it around. Sasha was mad at Bayley for making something like that but how could she want to keep it.

"Come on let's go to are office until they get back. I know Roman said don't leave but I think he meant the building. Maybe we could get some work done and than go home after they get back. We could finish this conversation than." Sasha said kissing Bayley on the cheek. "Ok that sounds like a plan. I really don't want to hang out in Roman office. Maybe some work will keep my mind off things." Bayley said. Sasha knew Bayley wasn't happy with the information she found out. "I would say maybe a run would help but there still a lot of workers here at the moment." Sasha said.

"It's ok, I think I would rather get some work done." Bayley said taken Sasha hand and walking out of Roman office. "I know the information you found out can't be making you happy?" Sasha said. "It's just I feel like everything been a lie and my mom holding me back doesn't help either." Bayley said. "Is that silver stuff that you made written down anywhere else beside your book?" Sasha asked. "Actually it's not written down at all. I just memorize the formula and what steps are needed to make it. I didn't want anyone to know about it." Bayley said.

Sasha knew she just said they would finish their conversation at home but she needed to know the answer to her question that was eating at her. "Where you really going to take that stuff? Where you that unhappy that you would end your life?" Sasha asked. Sasha noticed that Bayley didn't answer right away and it started to worry her that Bayley still could end her life. "I was very depressed the night you picked me up at the airport. I had a lot of things going on in my mind and I wasn't happy. I felt I was trapped at home and the job Rick put me in didn't help at all. When my mom got sick, I focused on developing a cure. I know I had a lot against me at the lab and I couldn't keep thing running like I can here. So, to answer your question I would have ended my life at some point. But than you came along and I seen hope." Bayley said never looking at Sasha.

"Bayley look at me please?" Sasha asked. Bayley finally gave in and looked into Sasha eyes. All Bayley could see was the love Sasha had for her. "Babe it doesn't matter what happened in the past, all it matters what we have right now. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you and I'm not planning on going anywhere without you." Sasha said kissing Bayley. "I want to be with you right now. Let's lock the door and have some fun." Bayley said kissing Sasha on the neck. "One thing, we still are in agreement that we talk about what's bothering us?" Sasha asked. "You are my Queen and I promised you I will talk to you. I know I'm not alone anymore and I have you and the babies to take care of. I have no plans leaving you or them anytime soon." Bayley said picking up Sasha and caring her into their office.

"Hello dear, How was your day?" Rick asked without looking up. "Well not so good! I figured out you've been working with the drug lord Black." Linda said. Rick looked up to see Linda wasn't alone. "What are you talking about?" Rick asked nervously. "Cut the crap Rick. Did you or did you not give Black the idea for the drug night shade? You were planning on using it on Bayley." Linda said. Rick knew he had to come clean with Linda. "Yes, I gave him the idea and yes Bayley was the one I chose for him to test it on. I knew Bayley could heal herself. That day that we got hit with the drug Bayley was supposed to be at that event. Black was mad that the drug had no effect on any us. Even though you did feel the effects, we played it off as you had the flu." Rick said.

"I can't get over the fact you hated Bayley that much you would do something like that to her! I treated your kids like they were mine. I would never do that to your kids." Linda yelled. "I'm sorry, I had no other choice. He was going to release to the public my dealing with him from my past. So, he wanted to test his drug and I knew Bayley would be ok." Rick repeated. "The night of are accident did you hear Bayley trying to open the door?" Linda asked. "Yes I did." Rick said. "Why didn't you tell me she was awake that night. You know I wanted to be with her that night. You drove a wedge between us that I'm been trying to fix with her." Linda said angrily.

"I wasn't sure what she was going to be like. I didn't want to stress you out." Rick said. Rick could tell he really blew everything with Linda. "I stood by you with everything you got yourself into. All I asked of you was treat Bayley with respect. I never asked you to treat her like she was your own. But you couldn't even do that for me." Linda said. "I tried to do that but your daughter never acted like I wanted her to. She was always in trouble in school and she wouldn't do her part to be part of this family. I had to be hard on her so she could defend herself. Answer me this. Did your daughter marry that Sasha Banks?" Rick asked.

"Yes she did, thanks to you my daughter didn't even invite me to the wedding because she knew you would have a problem with it." Linda said. "How could you let this happen! This could do a lot damage to my office. How are we going to cover this up?" Rick asked. "There no need to cover this up! No one even knows Bayley is part of your family. If you came near my niece and her family I will personally take care of you. Do you understand me." Roman tells Rick. "Do you know who I am? I don't need to remind you I'm the President of the United States." Rick said.

"I don't care who you are at the moment. She doesn't want to have anything to do with you. If you try to come after her, I will released the information on your connection between you and black. The deals you made to get into office. See I'm not the only one that was keeping an eye on you and your actions. Linda didn't know this until now that you hoped the drug would have killed Bayley for good." Roman said. Rick could see Linda was be on pissed. "Babe please don't leave me! I will stay away from Bayley and her wife. I will make things right! Will you stay?" Rick asked.

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