I won't let that happen

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"Bayley, you haven't said anything after what Roman and your mom said." Sasha asked. "I'm ok, I just want to go home. I don't want to be here right now." Bayley said. "Do you need to run for a little while?" Sasha asked. "That would be nice to do? I just have so much going through my mind right now and a run will help." Bayley said. "I'll text Roman we are leaving and heading home." Sasha said as she texted Roman. Sasha heard her phone go off and read Roman text "I'm not sure if you two should go home but I can't stop you. If you guys see anything that is out of the ordinary call right away."

"Well, Roman really doesn't want us to go home but to stay here. He said he can't stop us from leaving but wants us to report anything out of the ordinary." Sasha said. "I really don't think Rick will cross my mom. Plus, I made sure no one knew I was associated with Rick. I just don't want to live like this. I don't want to have permission to go somewhere." Bayley said upset. Sasha wrapped her arms around Bayley neck and pulled her in for a kiss. "I know this is tough my love but it's not just you and me. We also have to think about are unborn children." Sasha said.

"You don't think I'm not worried about that. That's all I've thought about since we found out you were pregnant. I fear Rick would try to take the kids away from us or even hurt them." Bayley said. "It worries me as well and I fear my nightmare will come true. So, if your stressed out about this. You now know how I'm feeling. I'm worried that he will take you away as well. I don't know how I would move forward without you. I don't even want to know or find out." Sasha said. "I'm sorry babe, I don't want you to stress out at all. I just want to have a normal life with you and watch are kids grow up. Plus, to make you happy and give you what you want." Bayley said.

"You have already given me everything I've wanted and more. You were able to give me back my days and nights. I would have never been able to have kids if you hadn't mated with me." Sasha said. "I know but I want to do so much more for you. I'm sorry I lost my cool but I just tired of my family trying to run my life." Bayley said. Sasha knew Bayley was upset and wasn't sure if she wanted her to run by herself. "Let's go home and run." Sasha said. "Your going to run with me?" Bayley asked. "Yes, the baby bump isn't that big and I can ride on your back. I wish I could shift so I could run next to you. As long as you want me to or do you want to run by yourself?" Sasha asked.

"I would love to have you with me. Why wouldn't I want you to be with me?" Bayley asked. "I'm not sure if you just want to be by yourself so you can clear your head." Sasha said. "I love when you are with me and I don't have to stress about you being by yourself. I want you to know, I will always want you to be with me. Never think your not welcome to come with me. I will always want you share this with me." Bayley tells Sasha as she leaned in for a kiss.

"I want to be with you as well but I know this is hard for you. I want to give you your space as well." Sasha said. "I thank you for that but you keep me calm. I would let you know if I need me time but I really want is to be with you." Bayley said. "Well than let's go home and go for a run. Than I can take care of any other needs you might have." Sasha said as she kissed Bayley. "Well I can think of something for us to do together after are run. Let's go home my love." Bayley said.

Sasha wrapped her arms around Bayley a little tighter and disappeared. A few second later they arrived in their living room. Sasha turned off the alarm but didn't turn off the protection shields off the door or windows. Sasha wanted to make sure there was no one around. Bayley followed Sasha into the security room and checked the cameras. "It doesn't look like anyone was around the property." Sasha said. "Well that's a good thing. We should keep the security shields up and set the alarm when we sleep." Bayley said as she placed kisses on Sasha neck.

Sasha started getting lost in the moment but she knew Bayley needed to run. "If you keep doing that we will never make that run that we are supposed to go on." Sasha said. Sasha felt Bayley hands running over her baby bump. "I think all I need right now is to be with you. Unless you want to go on the run?" Bayley asked. "You know I want to feel your touch. But I think we should go for a run first." Sasha said though a moan. "If you like my love." Bayley said kissing Sasha again. "Your making it hard to think straight." Sasha said playfully.

Sasha teleports them outside after she sets the alarm. Sasha could feel her body wanting to shift and a few seconds later she shifted into a tiger. "Wow babe, you were able to shift without the full moon." Bayley said. "I felt my body start to shake so I just went with it. Your blood is really magical you know." Sasha said. Sasha watched as Bayley had shifted into a tiger as well. "Are you ready to run for a while?" Bayley asked. "Yes." Sasha tells Bayley. Sasha looked at Bayley and thought, "I won't let anyone harm you or the kids. I'm sure hell not going to let Rick get ahold of you either." "I won't let anyone get you either." Bayley tells Sasha. With that being said both start their run.

"I need to make my present known to them them. Time isn't on are side and they will need protection." Eddie said watching Sasha and Bayley run. "How do you think she is going to react and your wife." The man asked. "I'm sure they both will be mad at first but they will forgive me in the end. They both think I'm dead and won't believe it's me at first. I know I've visited them in the spiritual world but now they both need protection. Roman team is strong but my team is better. We need to prepare for what's ahead and it's time for me to step out of the shadows. I need to take the bad with the good. I just hope I can get Linda back." Eddie said.

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