Chapter 6

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Frank leans in for another kiss, and Gerard takes it.

They don't know for how long they've been kissing, and Frank definitely doesn't know what he's doing, but he's enjoying it nonetheless. He's enjoying Gerard's hands on his sides, holding him still and close, and not knowing what to do with his own hands, Frank wraps them around the older guy's neck.

Gerard tastes like cigarettes and bubblegum chewing gum, Frank already getting addicted to it. When they finally break the kiss, he lets his head fall on the other's shoulder, and giggles.

'What is so funny?'

'Nothing. I just thought I didn't have a chance with you. Or anyone.'

'Are you crazy, Frankie? You're adorable as fuck.'

'Don't say that,' he said blushing.

Then, Gerard takes his hand in his and locked their fingers together. 'I like you, Frank. A whole lot.'

'I like you, too.'

After a long silence, just enjoying having Frank so close, Gerard says, 'Should we go back to the library so you can work on whatever it is you do?'

'I don't think I can concentrate on anything after this. What about you? You have something you need to finish?'

'To be honest – I just go there to see you.'

That makes Frank blush, and he keeps his face hidden in the nook of the taller man's neck. 'Can we stay like this for a bit longer?' he asks. 'I like it.'


'Are you smiling, dude?' Ray asks when Gerard walks in their room. He's in his laptop, doing some programming. 'It's been a while since the last time I saw you smile.'

Gerard doesn't say anything, but he can't hide the smile.

'Did you meet Grant Morrison on the train or did you find the money you lost?'

'Shut up!' He throws his pillow at his friend and then sits to take off his shoes and get ready for bed.

'I'm serious! After everything, you know – it's really good to see you smile, whatever that reason may be.'

'Thanks,' Gerard says, and then pauses. 'There is someone –'

'Oh.' And suddenly, Ray is smiling big, and Gerard knew he can count on him. 'Is that why you've been going to the library every day?'

He smiles again and hides his face with his hands. 'You noticed?'

'Of course I did! You got up from bed every night just to do your fucking homework. You're not the kind of guy who does his homework or cares that much about school.'

'Well –'

'What's her name?'



Gerard looks up, nervous. Mikey is the only person who knows, besides the one guy he kinda dated a couple years ago. So, he's not sure how Ray will react. 'Are you cool with it?'

'Why wouldn't I be? He clearly makes you happy, so I'm happy for you.'

'Thank you.' He tells him about Frank, and them hanging out, and how they've been kissing in the rooftop for the past couple hours. 'I think I really like him.'


'Mr. Iero!' the professor says. 'Can you please tell us what are the main themes in The Great Gatsby?'

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