Chapter 13

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Semester's almost over, and Frank is getting ready for finals.

He goes to his usual spot in the library, his head buried in an encyclopedia, going over his Psychology notes. But it's hard to concentrate when all he can think about is Gerard.

Even though he's better now, taking some time off at home, Frank is still a little worried about him. They talked over the phone last night, and Gerard sounded good. They agreed to go out over the weekend, so that's the only thing that keeps him going.

If only he can finish this paper before going to bed.

He thought he would never be the kind of guy who can't be away from his significant other, but apparently, he is. And now he can't focus on school because he misses his boyfriend.

His boyfriend.

Fuck, he never thought he'd get to say that. He has a boyfriend. And not just that, but the sweetest, most loving boyfriend, who was also the most beautiful human. Frank can't believe he got that lucky.

He wishes he could go see him right now, because it's pointless to even try to study, but it's almost two in the morning, and Gerard is probably sleeping right now. And Frank should go to bed too.

He barely makes it to his class the next morning, and only has time to put on the first pair of jeans and a hoodie. Gerard's hoodie. It still smells like him, and it's all warm and cozy. Almost like a hug. But now he misses him more.

Only a couple more days and he can go see him.

For now, he walks to his English lit class, and he sits there, hoodie up, taking notes. Then, he goes to his next class, and he sits outside the cafeteria, by himself, eating his soup and reading the last comic book that Gerard gave him. He still has another hour before his last class of the day, and he considers going back to his dorm to take a nap, or work on his paper. He's already on his way to the library, he hears someone calling him.


His first thought is Ray. Probably Gerard told him to check on him, like the protective boyfriend he is. Except Ray doesn't call him Frankie.

So Frank turns around, confused.

And he finds Gerard standing there in front of him.

His sweet, sweet Gerard.

Though he looks different.

He dyed his hair silver, making his rosy cheeks to pop up even more. And he's smiling again. 'I –' Frank can't even mutter a word, and before he starts crying, he runs to his boyfriend, and wraps his arms around him, holding him tight. 'I missed you,' he mumbles against his neck, already in tears.

'I missed you, too, Frankie.' Frank presses a kiss against his lips, ignoring the looks they're getting. Right now, all he cares about is that he has his boyfriend back.


'I just felt like a needed a change,' Gerard explains. They're sitting on their usual spot, under that tree, outside the library. 'I know it sounds crazy, but I kinda felt better afterwards.'

In the meantime, Frank can't stop staring at him, all smiley and blushing. 'You look really good,' he says, unable to think of anything else to say. That makes Gerard smile even bigger, so Frank can't resist pulling him closer for a kiss. Tongue and all. There's a tug on his stomach, and he feels himself getting hard right away.

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