Chapter 7

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Gerard wakes up, his arm numb, and when he opens his eyes, he sees Frank sleeping next to him, on top of his arm, and he can't help smile.

He looks so adorable without his glasses, sleeping in the most uncomfortable position. He can't remember the last time he felt this comfortable with someone, and he can't help leaning in his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

Frank starts to wake up, a smile already on his face as Gerard takes in his morning warmth. 'Hi,' the younger student says and wraps an arm around the other.

'Good morning, Frankie.'

Frank mumbles something, and then kisses him behind the ear. 'I like it when you call me that.'

'Then I'll keep calling you Frankie.'

He pulls apart, squinting his eyes to focus on Gerard. 'Is this real?' he asks with his hoarse voice.

He nods. 'I think it is.' Frank then kisses his lips softly but stays there, smiling. 'Don't you have to go home today?'

'Shit!' That makes him literally jump off his bed, and he checks the clock on his bedside table. It's almost noon. 'I don't want my mom to get worried.'

'I'm sorry –'

'No – it was totally worth it,' Frank says with a smile. He pulls Gerard for another kiss, then puts whatever clothes he finds in a bag.

While he gets his stuff, he hears Gerard in the back. 'What is this. Open mic night?'

'Huh?' Frank replies with a nervous laugh and runs to get the flyer from him. 'It's nothing.'

'Are you going?'

'No – they just left the flyer outside.' But his stuttering gives him away.

'I didn't know you sing or played an instrument! It'd be cool if you do it!'

Frank's face goes red, and he can't hide it. He's completely gone for Gerard. 'You think it'd be cool?'

'Of course! What do you play?'

'I learned to play guitar a long time ago. When you don't have friends and you get bored in your room, you learn a lot.'

'So you're going?'

Frank looks up at him, smiling. How can he say no? 'I'll think about it.' As a reward for considering it, Gerard kisses him, careful not to get too into it or they'll keep making out for hours, and he doesn't want Frank to get in trouble with his mom. 'I'll miss you.'

'You'll be back on Monday. We can hang out then.'

'I'll be counting the hours.'

He helps Frank to get his laundry basket to his car, and when nobody's looking, they kiss again. 'Can I have your phone number?' Gerard asks, not wanting to let go.

The younger man just smiles. 'Give me your arm,' he tells Gerard, and takes a sharpie out of his backpack. Gerard is careful to hold out his right arm, and only pull the sleeve of his hoodie up a little, just below the elbow. He wasn't ready to show him the scars yet. 'This is my home phone number,' Frank says with the cap of the sharpie in his mouth, marking Gerard's skin. 'I don't have a cellphone.'

'Can I call you later?'

'Just make sure after ten. That's when my mom goes to bed.'

'I will then.' They kiss goodbye, and Gerard stays there, seeing him drive away before walking back to his dorm.

What he wasn't expecting was Ray in their room, working on his computer. 'Good morning, prince charming,' he says in a joking tone. 'Had a wild night with your prince?'

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