Chapter 12

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'Home sweet home,' Gerard says as he walks in the house behind his parents and brother. It's only been a couple weeks since he was home the last time, but it feels like another life. 

'You need to rest,' his mom tells him. 'I'll make you something to eat.'

'I'm fine. All I did was sleep and read. If my brain wasn't fried before, that did it.' Donna doesn't like the slight joke so much, so he apologizes. 'I'm okay, mom.' Really. Mikey asks if he wants to play videogames with him, and he agrees without a second thought, thankful for the distraction.

He's been through this many times, and the first couple days are always weird. His parents taking care of him, making sure he eats and he's comfortable, as if that's going to cure him. And he wishes that was the case. He wishes none of them had to go through this anymore, and that he could be happy, for his family's sake.

But that's not how it works.

'So – Frank?' Mikey asks, all his attention on the zombie he's trying to kill.

'What about him?'

'Did you talk to him?'

'Not much. I told him to go to school, and we'll talk later.' There's a silence, and just then Mikey beats Gerard, and celebrates with a loud yell.

Once he calms down and sits back down, he turns to his older brother. 'So you're gonna call him?'


'I don't really know him. But I can tell you needs you as much as you need him.' Gerard nods and leans back on the couch, trying not to cry. It's not easy to let someone be there when he feels like drowning.


Frank tries to focus on his English Lit class.

And he tries so hard.

But his eyes are still puffy from crying in Gerard's shoulder, and he's still trying to catch his breath. Gerard promised him that he would call him later, once he was done with his classes, and in the meantime, Gerard would go home and take a nap.

But promise me you'll tell me when you're not feeling well, Frank had said to him.

Because he thought that was what it meant being in a relationship. Yes, maybe Frank doesn't have a lot of experience, but he thought being someone's boyfriend meant that person would tell him everything. And that they'd want to be with him. But lately it feels like Gerard doesn't want to talk to him or even be with him.

So –

Is he doing something wrong?

Or Gerard just doesn't like him anymore?

'Mr. Iero?' his English professor calls him. 'Your paper?'

Was he supposed to write a paper? When? Fuck. Not again. All he did was writing poems for Gerard, and looking at the clock waiting for the class to be over.

'This is the second time this month,' his professor says. 'I was starting to think you were the only one here who was actually here to learn.'

'I'm sorry, sir. I was just –' he starts apologizing, but he knows it's too late, because he's professor sees what's on his desk, and now he just wants to disappear.

'This is not high school, young man. Leave your love notes for after class.' Frank hides his face behind his hands, knowing everyone is looking at him. 'And see me after class.'

After another half an hour – in which Frank hides under his jacket, and he hears a girl saying she saw him kissing a guy, and someone else saying 'How can anyone be interested in that nerd?' – the class is finally over, and he sees everyone leave. It's not really until then, that he finally gets out of his little cocoon, and walks to the professor's desk. 'You wanted to see me?'

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