Chapter 15

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Frank is in heaven.

Every fiber of his body is shaking with pleasure, and he's panting with every touch. He basks on all these new sensations, wanting to remember this very moment for the rest of his life.

He doesn't want to move right now.

Gerard leaves a trail of kisses down his chest, and Frank is still oversensitive, so it makes everything a thousand times better. Like electroshocks piercing through his body, and all he can do is smile like an idiot.

'Stop being so adorable,' Gerard says, wearing a tired smile on his face.

Frank can't even form words, so he just smiles back.

'C'mon – let's get you cleaned up.' Frank didn't even notice when Gerard got up from bed, but now he's holding a wet rag and helping him sit up, and then wiping off his stomach. The younger man's limbs are jellyfish, so he needs a little extra help from his boyfriend.

He holds tight to Gerard's neck, and presses his lips against his, not letting go.

He already lost count of how many times they've been going at it all night, but it's so good and he didn't want it to stop.

Frank always thought people were exaggerating when they talked about sex. But it turns out, they were right. Now he gets it. He could honestly go for another round, but he prefers to just sit here with Gerard, looking at him and kissing him.

Without his glasses, Frank can barely see his blurry silhouette, showering him with kisses. He lets his head rest on Gerard's shoulder as he comes down from his orgasm, and just enjoys the moment.

'You're tired already?' Gerard asks with a laugh.

'Shut up! This is your fault!' Frank responds, playfully pushing him around.

'Aww, honey! You'll get used to it.'

'We should keep practicing.'

'Maybe later.' Without another word, Gerard pulls him closer so Frank is leaning his back on him, and gently moves his hands over his shoulders and starts massaging them. Slowly putting him back together, piece by piece. Molding him like an artist does a sculpture.

This is nice, Frank thinks, letting Gerard shape him back into a human form.

'Fuck,' he says. 'Your hands really do magic.'

Gerard just laughs a nervous laugh on the back of Frank's neck.

Frank can feel his thumb doing circles on his shoulder, tracing shapes on his skin as if he was sketching on paper. It tickles a little, but Frank loves the feeling. 'Wanna know something funny?' he asks. 'I always thought of getting lots of tattoos. Just cover both my arms. I thought I'd look really cool.'

'And why didn't you?'

'Are you kidding me? My mom would kill me!'

'Well, I think you'd look pretty hot with tattoos.'

That makes Frank blush. Maybe he'll get some at some point. In the meantime, Gerard reaches for a sharpie that's sitting on his desk, and starts drawing something on Frank's back. Frank can smell the strong fumes, so he knows Gerard isn't faking it. 'What are you doing?' he asks, a little nervous.

'It's a surprise.'

Frank isn't a patient person, but he has no choice. Five minutes later, Gerard finishes whatever he's doing, and pulls his boyfriend to the bathroom, so he can look in the mirror. Frank puts on his glasses and turns around to see the result.

A pumpkin.

It has a creepy smile, and it's amazing.

'Since your birthday is on Halloween –' Gerard starts explaining, but gets cut off by Frank's lips.

'I love it,' Frank says. 'I'm thinking about it being my first tattoo. Like for real.'


'I'm serious.'

They go back to bed, still bickering, and Frank suggests Gerard should also get a tattoo. 'Now you're going too far.' It's so natural, both of them naked and talking about comic books and Lord of the Rings, and Frank hopes they spend a lot of nights like this.


Early the next morning, Frank puts all of his dirty laundry in a basket, and tries to clean his dorm room the best he can before he goes home for the winter break.

'Are you sure?' Gerard asks, sitting on Frank's bed and biting his nails.


'About meeting your parents?'

Frank smiles at him, and reaches for his hand. He's never been more sure of anything in his life. He wants them to meet the boy who makes him happy. 'Yes,' he says, pulling him closer. 'Don't you want to meet them? If you're not ready, it's okay. We can leave it for another day, and I'll just drop you off at your place.'

'I do want to meet them. It's just – scary. Meeting my boyfriend's parents.'

'I'm sure they'll love you.'

They get in Frank's beat up car, and Gerard puts on his Bowie cassette. Everything is perfect.

Singing to Starman with his boyfriend, as they drive home to meet his parents. Holding hands and stopping at a diner to get breakfast. Making plans for the next couple weeks. Spending their first Christmas together and meeting up to watch movies.

His parents love Gerard. They ask him questions about college and his art major. What kind of art does he make. His dad makes Gerard promise to take care of him, and Frank just hides his face, embarrassed.

They take Ghoul for a walk in the park, and Frank is still wearing Gerard's hoodie.

After all the years of feeling like he didn't fit in, lost and strange, Frank has finally found his place. And it's next to Gerard. He makes him feel comfortable and okay with who he is, as nerd and weird as he is.

They somehow found each other. 



or is it? These two finally got their happy ending and I just want to thank everyone who read this story and showed support! thanks for every hit, vote and comment! 

i'd like to know what you thought!


*and maybe we'll see them again*

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