-Chapter 17-

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Kane's LR-9 dings, pulling his attention away from me.

"What's it say?"

He looks back at me, reading the message again, looking between the device and me.

"It's Andrew... he's asking if you're with me." He closes his eyes, taking a shaky breath. "Is it really you? I want to believe it... I know I should but after everything-"

Leaning toward Kane, I run my fingers along his jaw, moving him closer. My lips find his, an unspoken oath of truth. I want him to believe me. He needs to believe me; after everything we've been through there's no more room for lies.

He seems to melt into my touch, though there's part of him I can tell is reserved. His fingers hesitantly curl under my chin, as he moves his lips across mine. For a single moment it's easy to forget that he's still unsure if I'm truly me. It's easy to forget that my execution is still set for three days from now. That's when the moment breaks.

"I understand it may take time for you to trust me," I take a deep breath, my lips moving against Kane's, "but we don't have a lot of time. I need to fill you and everyone in on something that's happening."

"Did you see anyone else?" he asks, his question making me wonder if he's really heard what I've said.

"Briefly. But I didn't stop to say hello." I meet his gaze. "I wanted to see you first."

Kane's Adam's apple bobs and his jaw clenches again. "It will take me some time to adjust to having you back. I believe you," he sighs, "but there are things that happened in those Cells I still haven't told you. I just have trouble believing my eyes is all."

Feeling tears press against the backs of my eyes I nod. "We have all the time in the world for you to fill me in."

Kane's thumb traces circles on my cheek, and his eyes soften, looking like an almost lighter brown than they did minutes ago.

"What is it you need to tell me?"

Kane walks beside me, and in this light I'm finally able to see just how much he's changed over the course of the past few days.

His hand shakes as he holds mine, his knuckles bruised, cuts marring his skin. His shirt seems to hang off of him looser than normal, the confidence that fills him seeming to have deflated. Perhaps most notably in terms of appearance is the unkempt mop of hair resting on the top of his head, paired with the beard that's begun to sprout along his jaw.

A pang of guilt clutches at my stomach. I'm the one who hurt him. I only hope that he'll be able to forgive me. It's not something we've talked about yet.

I asked him to trust me. How can he after what I've done?

Walking through the halls, it feels as though Kane's movements are delayed; his pace slower than mine despite the fact that his gait is sizably larger than my own.

"Andrew prepped everyone, so they won't be completely taken aback to see you," Kane explains as we near the dining room. "Someone is very excited that you're back."

It's a bit of an understatement I realize as I'm met with flailing arms that wrap around my waist and shoulders, my name ringing in the air as we step in the dining room. I feel panic at first until I look at the faces around me. Anya. Andrea. Mrs. Porter. Tommy stands to the side, a wide smile on his face, Amelia in his arms. Others stand by as well, those I know but perhaps have not grown close to over my time here.

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