- Chapter 40 -

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One Year Later

The Reintegration Center is full today with both volunteers and those waiting for their consultations.

This specific center, having only been opened a month ago has seen a lot of traffic in the past two weeks. It was six months ago that the first Reintegration Center opened just outside the Government sector. It was difficult to watch as families poured in, hoping to be reunited with their loved ones. So many families that'd been torn apart over the years. We've seen an insurmountable number of different scenarios at varying centers. Children who were just abandoned are able to go back to their families. Adults who haven't seen their loved ones in years, able to go home once more. Families who were forced from their homes following the riots and unrest before and after the Leader's death. Those moments, helping those individuals, makes all the work worthwhile.

Of course there are those who're unable to find their families, or don't have any family to return to. It's those cases that sit heavy on each of our hearts.

Each Reintegration Center offers services we decided would be most useful to the Abandoned. There are of course those that cover basic needs such as shelter and food. Additionally, we wanted to encourage and embolden those who were forced to spend their formative years on the streets. Learning opportunities both in the form of more structured schooling and also one-on-one instruction are offered at most of the centers. Some, we know, have been Abandoned from a young age, never having had the opportunity to attend any form of formal education. Opportunities are available to train and apply for jobs. And of course, the reason most flock to the centers, is our program for reuniting families.

"Fel!" My brother comes over, carrying a stack of folders for me. "Andrea sent these from the Keldin center."

I thank him, finding myself staring at him for just a moment.

"You have to stop that," he laughs, jokingly shoving my arm. "It creeps me out."

I laugh too, setting the folders down to pull him in for a hug. He attempts to ward me off but leans in all the same.

"Have I told you before how happy I am that you're back?" I ask. The question doesn't really require a reply. I've made it clear since the say Andrew was finally able to remove the chip. Finally Paul and the Leader's holds on my brother were severed.

"Only every day," he groans, but it's more for show than anything. "I'm thankful to have you back too, you know."

My throat tightens as I let him go. I used to imagine what it would be like to be back in each other's lives. Now that we are, I let my gratitude push me to bring that to others.

"Kane was looking for you," Paul says. "He was over in the children's."

I thank him before leaving to find Kane.

I pass by many faces, some I recognize, and others I have yet to meet. Still, I know them. I know some of their pains and struggles. I know their fears, and their dreams. We share in our experiences something painful and powerful.

"There you are," Kane stands, surrounded by a group of children. Tommy is jumping around beside him, and Amelia toddles along, still growing in confidence in this newer movement. "I hoped Paul would find you."

Kane leans down, pressing a kiss to my lips, earning a squeal from some of the children.

"There's someone that wants to see you," he whispers, pointing to one of the consultation rooms to our right. "Room 116."

I walk over to the room, the door opening before I even touch the handle.

It takes me a moment to recognize the woman in front of me, her face different than when I last saw her. There's hope and joy written in her features, in no small part I suspect created by the baby held close in her arms. The baby we talked about as she'd given me the blanket for Amelia. As she'd changed my appearance before sending us to the safehouse.

When I last saw this woman, it had been video footage, their home burnt to ash, their freedom taken from them as they'd been taken away by Agents.

Now we're in another life. A new world.

We don't speak.

Instead, her arms wrap around me, holding me close. We stay that way for a while, tears pressing past our attempts to keep them at bay.

Finally, she steps back, wiping at her tears.

"I wanted to introduce myself," she says, her voice wavering, a smile spreading over her lips. "My name is Georgina."

A/N ~ This is the last "chapter" of Year 18. I have the epilogue to publish soon after. Thank you, thank you for your dedication to this series! I hope you enjoy :)

Until the end,


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