Chapter Eleven

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Sorry it has taken me so long to update. My grandmother was admitted back into the hospital last week, it's the third time in a month. So I have been really busy. But that's beside the point, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Ciera's Prov:

Two weeks, that's how long it's been since I have talked to Christian. And let me just tell you now, its probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I guess the only plus is Jason and I have been getting closer. We've gone on six dates, and each time I could feel myself liking Jason more and more. But as much as I found myself liking Jason I still couldn't get Christian out of my mind. Lately I barely gotten any sleep, all I can think about is Jason and Christian. I knew why Jason was on my mind. Him and I had an amazing time whenever we're together. He took me on my first, second , and third, etc date, I couldn't have asked for a better ones. I kept replaying the dates in my mind over and over again. I didn't think the dates could have gone any better. But then there was Christian, the guy who gave me my first kiss. The guy who kissed me minutes before my date with Jason, then kissed another girl minutes after my date with Jason.

It shouldn't bug me that he was kissing another girl, but I mean who kisses someone one minute, then the same day he kisses someone else. I knew he had a girlfriend, and I knew there was no way he would want to be with me, yet I couldn't get him out of my mind. Because even though my date was amazing with Jason, the kiss was a lot different then my kiss with Christian. Don't get me wrong, Jason is an amazing kisser. But his kisses didn't effect me like Christian's did. Christians kisses made me feel like my whole body was one fire. Like everything around me was electric.

I knew there was no way I could be with Christian, with Jason it was guaranteed. He liked me and he didn't have a girlfriend, which was a definite plus. Now all I had to do was get Christian out of my mind. I was currently walking down the stairs getting ready to have some breakfast. Surprisingly neither my mother or Christian was in there. I really didn't feel like having anything for breakfast, but I knew that if I didn't eat anything Christian would be on my ass.

I decided on eating some yogurt with some fruit. I was sitting near the island when Christian walked in looking like shit. Don't get me wrong he is still really hot. I took a moment to take in his appearance. His hair was a wreck, his eyes were swollen and red. It looked like he didn't sleep at all. I didn't want him to know that I was looking at him so I turned my head back to my food. It didn't take long for Christian to get breakfast and come sit next to me.

I couldn't deny that there was this tension between us. I could feel his eyes on me, I tried to ignore him. I could feel myself starting to blush. I moved my head to the side so my hair would hide my red cheeks. I thought that he would stop staring at me and eat his food. But instead he took the hair that shielded my face, and pull it back so it was behind my ear. I could feel the heat from his fingers on my cheek.

I turned to look at him and saw that he had this sad expression on his face. It made my heart melt to see him like this. I knew that we had to resolve our issues, because neither one of us could get over what's happened in the past week. Yet I couldn't bring myself to be the person to break the ice. I quickly got up from my seat, threw out my trash, and was about to walk over to gym when his words stopped me.

"Please don't ignore me, and please stop being pissed at me." He said as he got out of his seat. "It seems like everyone around me is pissed at me."

"How do you expect me not to be pissed at you Christian. You kissed me, you stole my first kiss from me, right before I had my first date. Then to make matters worse I come home to you kissing your girlfriend in the same house where you had just kissed me."

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