Chapter Three

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Ciera's Prov:

I had already called Sarah and she was on her way over. I was in our home room theather setting everything up. I was thinking about everything that had happend today. I mean in less then twenty four hours I had a trainer, who was a boy living in my house. I would be seeing this person for the rest of the summer, whether he was training me or not.

Not to mention Christian was extremely hot. I knew it was going to suck having him train me. I wouldn't have to worry about eating to much with him around. I would be to worried about him judging me. That's what every one else who wasn't my family or Sarah did. When ever I would eat at school I would hear people make fun of me. What people who aren't big don't understand is that no matter how big you are, you still need to eat just like everyone else.

Just because I was bigger didn't mean I wasn't suppose to eat. Which is what I guess everyone at my old school thought. I remember times where I would starve myself for weeks at a time trying to loose weight because of what they were saying. I didn't want to deal with that shit in college. I wanted to be the skinnest girl at the school. I would do whatever I had to do to achieve this goal. My college years were going to be a hundred percent different then my high school experiences.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a voice. "So what do you have planned for the rest of the day." I heard someone say from behind me. I quickly turned around and put my hand on my chest. I looked up to see Christain standing infront of me.

"God could you give a girl a little warning before you just scare the shit out of her." I said to him as I finshed setting up the t.v.

I heard him chuckle as he made his way over to where I was. "I'm sorry for scaring you. So what are you doing?"

"I'm going to be hanging out with my best friend. Why is there something you needed?"

"Do you mind if I join?" He asked me.

Was this guys serious? He was mega hot and he wanted to spend the night watching a marthon with me and Sarah? Didn't he have some girl to go on a date with or something?

"Why would you want to do that? I mean we could be watching chick flicks all night." I said to him as I made my way over to one of the chairs to sit down in.

"Is that what your doing? Watching chick flicks all night?" He asked me as he sat in the seat next to mine.

I coulnd't help but laugh at his words, I hated chick flicks. Maybe it's because they set up this unrealistic idea for love. They make it seem like anyone can find their prince charming and live happily ever after. Most of the guys are sweet and caring in the movies, when in real life most guys are assholes. I'm not going to be like the rest of the girls my age swooning over Zac Effron or Ansel Elgort, because guys like that didn't exsist in real life.

"No I hate those kind of movies. I am strictly a comedy, horror, and action type of girl."

"A girl after my own heart. So what is it your going to be watching?"

I was about to answer him when I head someone yelling. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY CHERRY!" I quickly got out of my seat and was about to run out of the room when I ran into Sarah. We hugged each other. "Cherry I must say the whole going to the gym look, looks hot on you!" Sarah said to me as she let me go.

"Please you look a thousand times better then me Strawberry." We both laughed at how goofy we were.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?" We both turned around to see Christain standing there.

"What am I doing here, what are you doing here?" Wait did these two know eachother.

"Would someone like to explain to me how you two know one another?" I said as I looked back and forth between the two.

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