Chater Nineteen

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Ciera's Prov:

I forgot how much I loved to swim. I haven't been swimming  outside of my pool in years. Even when I was home I hated to go swimming because it meant I had to wear a bathing suit. I absolutely hated wearing a bathing suit because it meant I had to wear something that showed of all of my fat. But since I have a whole knew attitude towards myself, wearing a bathing suit is something that doesn't bother me anymore.

I was just laying in the water enjoying the feeling it gave me. I suddenly felt hands on my waist. I gave a shriek as I tried to get out of my captures hands. I turned around to see Christian looking at me with amusement.

"Hey there beautiful. Did I tell you how hot you look in that bath in suit? If not I'm telling you now, you look really hot!" I giggled at his words and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well thank you. but you look a lot hotter!" I said to him as I kissed his check. Well I had planned to kiss his check, but he had other plans. He turned his head some so my lips landed on his. I smiled as I realized what he did. I greedily kissed him, he groaned out loud.

He pulled his head away from me and touched his forehead to mine. "Your definitely hotter."

I chuckled at his words. I knew there was no way I was going to win this little mini spat. He would continue to tell me that I was hotter, so I decided just to end it.

We all hung out in the water. And messed around with each other. I couldn't remember the last time I had this much time with people in the water. I can't remember the last time I didn't worry about how I looked in a bathing suit. I loved that I didn't worry about anything except for having fun with my friends.

Later that night we sat down by the fire roasting marshmallows and eating smores. I took some time to look around at everyone who was around me. I had Christian right beside me holding my hand. I looked to my left and I had Sarah right next to me talking to Amanda. Beside them was Melody and Jason. Then there was David, Dave, and Brooklyn.

Everyone was laughing and having a good time. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at all of my friends. Looking at them made me think back to when I was younger and I would wish for more friends. I use to want to be one of those girls who had more friends then she knew what to do with. But as I sat there looking at my friends I realized that as we grow up we realize, it's less important to have lots of friends, and more important to have real ones. At this moment I was beyond happy with the friends I had.


I woke up to the chirping of birds. I couldn't help but smile as I heard the chirping getting louder. It is so much better then waking up by an alarm or because of your parents. I got up and stretched. I looked over to my left and saw both Amanda and Sarah sleeping beside me. I smiled as I thought about us arguing about who was going to sleep with who.

It seemed like all the girls wanted to sleep with me. Well all the girls and Christian. He was the one to suggest that was share a tent alone, just the two of us. But that would mean that someone would have to sleep alone in a tent. Not only that but Sarah said there was no way she wasn't going to room with me.

Then Amanda said that if Sarah got to share a tent with me, then she was going to share on with Sarah as well. Which lead to me ending up rooming with the two of them. Melody and Madison shared a tent, and so did David and Dave. Which meant that Christian and Jason were going to be sharing a tent.

When I had first heard the arraignments for the tents I was a little nervous. I mean Jason and Christian sharing a tent seemed like a crazy idea. But they both assured me that everything was okay, and that there would be no tension between them. But I was still apprehensive about the whole thing. I mean come on my current almost boyfriend, with my ex kinda boyfriend, that's a crazy arrangement. But I trusted them, so I let it be.

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