Chapter Thirteen!

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Christians Prov:

Right after Ciera left I ran into the house and grabbed my keys. "Wait Christian." Melody said to me as she grabbed onto my arm.

"Let me go Melody." I harshly pulled my arm away from her. I ran out of the house and into my car. I just wanted to caught up with Ciera and tell her that everything was a misunderstanding. I hadn't realized how fast I was driving until I almost hit the car in front of me. I immediately stepped on my breaks and took a look at the scene in front of me. I saw a huge truck that had basically taken off the whole top half of Ciera's car totally crashed. (pic on the side→)

I quickly got out of my car and ran towards the scene. I got to the point were I could see Ciera on a stretcher, and covered in blood. She wasn't moving. That was my breaking point. I ran towards her, I wanted to hold her, I wanted to make everything okay again. I was almost to her when two cops pulled me away from her.

"Let me go, I need to help her. Let me fucking go." I said to them as I tried to push harder against them.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to calm down." The officer on my left said to me.

"If you don't calm down were going to have to arrest you."

His words made me stop. I didn't want to get arrested. Only because I wanted to be there for Ciera. Seeing how she looked right was killing me. I couldn't loose her after just finding her. I watched as they took her away in the ambulance. With ever inch they took I could feel another piece of my heart breaking off.

I ran back to my car and drove off to the hospital. A million things were going through my mind at once. But the most important thing was that I couldn't loose her, not yet not now. Once I arrived at the hospital I answered as many questions as I could. I gave them her parents numbers and waiting patiently to hear some news.

The worst part about being in the hospital is waiting. I can't stand the fact that I had to wait so much. Not only that but I wouldn't be able to get any information because I wasn't related to her. I had to wait for her parents to arrive. And even once they were here nobody had any information for us.

Everything was in slow motion, I felt like every tick on the clock was a decade going by. My thoughts kept consuming me. I was so in thought that I didn't notice Sarah walk up to me, but I did notice her when she slapped me hard across the face. I immediately got up and looked her dead in the face.

"What's wrong with you? It's your fucking fault that she's here." Sarah yelled at my as she started to punch me in the chest. Ciera's father came over and pulled her away from me.

"You need to settle down Sarah. This is not the time or the place."

I watched as Sarah broke down on the floor and cried. I didn't blame her for how she was acting, I blame myself for what happened as well. Ciera's father helped Sarah up from off the floor and into a seat. I looked at both her father and mother, they both had tears in their eyes. I could feel my own tears surfacing. I sent a silent prayer to god hoping he wouldn't take Ciera away from us.


Ciera's Prov:

A month later!

I have wanted to wake up for a while now, but couldn't bring myself to. It's like my body wouldn't let me. But today was the day that I was really going for it. As I started to pry my eyes open I saw a bright light in front of me. Was I in heaven? I had always heard that when you die you see a bright light. But I honestly couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I was dead. There's so much I wanted to do in life. So many things I have yet to try. This really can't be the end for me.

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