Chapter Fourteen

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Ciera's Prov:

I've been depressed ever since I woke up two weeks ago. Everyone around me has been trying to make me smile or happy, but it just wasn't working. The only thing I was happy about was the weight I had lost while I was in a coma, and the weight I had lost this past two weeks. I had lost so much weight due to me not eating like I should be.

I honestly felt like I had no reason to eat, everything I had wanted to happen after graduate was put on hold. Not only that but the guy that I found myself falling for ended up being just like every other guy out there. I was completely heart broken. The worst part was I was here because of that same guy. If I had never fallen for Christian, then waked in on him and Melody, it wouldn't have effected me like it did.

Deep down I know that it wasn't just Christians fault. I knew that I had played the biggest part in my accident. If I had never been on my phone in the first place or drove when I was so upset, then I would have paid better attention to what was going on around me.

It was still easier to blame everyone around me. I guess that's why I have been so upset lately. I blamed everyone around me for what had happened. I was extremely bitter, and I didn't know how to get out of my funk.

I was currently in my room, staying away from everyone when I heard yelling coming from downstairs. I opened my door and slowly crept down the hallway to the top of the stairs.

"I need to see her, please let me go up and try!" I heard that all to unforgettable voice of Christian say. I was shocked that he had continued to try and see me. If I didn't want to talk to my parents, Sarah, or Jason, what made him think I would want to talk to him. Especially after everything that had happened.

"Christian Dear she doesn't want to see you right now. She doesn't want to see or talk to anyone at the moment" I heard my mother say to him.

"And even if she wanted to talk to you, you would be the last person I would let her talk to." I hear my father say.

"Hun." My mother said. I could hear the warning tone in her voice.

"Don't fucking Hun me! I never wanted him here in the first place. If you never fucking hired him, my daughter wouldn't be locked away in her room because of an accident he caused!" I didn't hear anything else for a few seconds, then I heard a loud slam comming from our front door. I knew it was my father who had left.

"I'm sorry Christian but I honestly don't think you seeing Ciera is a good idea. So much has happened, and not in a good way. Let her cool down and come to you Hun." I didn't hear anything else for a little bit then I heard the front door close again, but quieter this time.

I was about to move back into my room when I heard crying. The only person who was left in my house was my mom, so I knew it was her crying. I definitely couldn't walk down the stairs with my broken leg, even with crutches. I was thankful that my father got me one of those stair chairs. The ones that you sit in and bring you up and down the stairs mechanically. I got into my chair and rode it down the stairs. I took my crutches and followed the sounds of my mom crying.

I finally found her inside of the kitchen with her head in her hands crying. "Mom?" I whispered to her as I tried to make my way to her.

She whipped her head up from off her hand to look at me. I looked to see that her shirt was wet from all of her tears. "Hey Hun." She said quickly as she wiped her tears away from her face. I could tell she was trying the fact that she was crying from me. " I can't believe your up and about, how are you?" She asked me as she helped me sit down next to her.

"Mom what's wrong?" I said to her softly as I rested my good hand on hers.

"Nothings wrong dear, why do you ask?"

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