Chapter Six

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Ciera's Prov:

I didn't sit in the car long, because before I knew it Christian was opening the car door for me. I looked over at him and lightly smiled as I got out of the car. We walked into the bowling alley and I immediately regretted it. Because there was a group of kids from my school playing on aisle number two. I was about to turn around when I bumped into Christian.

"The bowling aisles are that way sweet heart." He said to me as be tried to turn me back around but I side stepped him.

"I can't go in there."

"Why not?" Dave asked as he came to stand by the other side of me. I watched as Sarah looked around until she noticed the kids from my old school.

"Your going to bowl with us Ciera. Fuck what they have to say. And if they do say something then you know I'm not going to keep my mouth shut." She said to me. I watched as Amanda smiled at her words.

"Wait I am confused, whats going on?" David asked as he made his way over to the little circle of people we had with us.

"You see those people over there?" Sarah said as she pointed to the group of kids in which we graduated with. "Well all of them are ass holes and have treated Ciera like shit. She doesn't want to go in because they have bullied her."

"Well that's about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Why do you give two shits about them Ciera, they are obviously jealous of you. Don't play into their game. Okay?" I just nodded my head in agreement. " Good now put on your big girl panties because your going to come bowling with us and your going to have fun." Christian said to me as he pulled me further into the bowling alley.

I couldn't believe he had just said that to me. Then again he was related to Sarah and she had absolutely no filter at all. She said what she felt, actually her whole family did. I guess it just surprised me that Christian would be so forward with how he felt at the moment.

We ordered out shoes and got an aisles for all of us to share. Christian then lead me over to a section of balls. He picked a pitch black ball. I must have made a face because he spoke soon after I did. "What you don't like my choice in color?" He asked me as he stepped closer to where I was.

I shock my head at him. " No I think your choice in color is very plain."

"Oh I'm sorry queen of ball choosing, which one will you be deciding?" I couldn't help but laugh at his words. I looked through all of the balls, and none of them were really catching my eye, that was until I passed one that had different shades of blue on it. I picked it up and smiled. My smile faded as I heard Christian laugh. "That's the one your picking?"


"I would have thought you would have picked a pink or purple ball." I couldn't help but make a face at this.

"Ewww what kind of girl do you think I am. Pink and purple are definitely not colors you will see me liking. Besides blue is my favorite color." I said to him as we made our way back over to the group.


"Why what?"

"Why is blue your favorite color?" Christian asked me as we continued to walk. I have never been asked this question before. I mean blue has just always been my favorite color.

I shrugged my shoulders at him. " I really don't know why, I just love the color blue. But if I had to give a reason it would be because it reminds me of the ocean, or really any clear body of water. And I absolutely love the ocean."

"I never know what your going to say next Ciera. I've only known you for a few days and you have constantly kept me on my toes, which I like." He said as he winked at me, we walked the rest of the way to our bowling aisle.

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