your no better then us

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I grabbed my books just at the bell rung and walked out of the class room. My mom insited that i walked home like i use to, but then was different.. I use to walk home with Jordan everyday but she thinks i shouldn't hang around him anymore, and she forced me to agree. I walked out of the double doors and down the steps being met with the smell of the freshly cut grass on the quad. I smiled walking out of the way cause I knew any second the doors would swing open and groups of kids would run out. That's what happened, the seniors and them the sophomores, I watched as kids from my class ran past me and the door swung open once more and the sound of a all to familar voice filled my ears. The same one that made my heart race, that made my knees weak.

  I could hear him running to catch up with me " sy! Where you been.. You not cool wit us no more on something" he asked

I turned around rubbing the back of my neck " y-you know thats not what it is Jordan" i said

Jordan crossed his arms looking at me like he was waiting for a answer he deserved " okay. What is it then" he asked

I sighed looking down " my mom just dosent think we should hang out any more" i said starting to walk away

He followed after me starting to get annoyed " so what your a mommas boy now? Where was this attitude when you were sneaking out? When we were smoking?" He asked

  I rolled my eyes turning around looking at him " i would have just ignored her but she said something.. That really got to me I guess" I sighed

Jordan looked down at me confused " what did she say?" He asked

I shrugged looking down " i guess she started to notice things.. She said im qoute on qoute 'sick'" i said

Jordan cocked a brow confused " like.. The flu?" He said

I shook my head looking down at my phone seeing the time " no, look i have to go.. See you around Jordan" i said before walking off

I hated this, i hated everything about it but there was nothing i could do. I walked down the street feeling tears start to build in my eyes. Fuck now i was crying i rolled my eyes wiping the years away and just foucused on getting home. I walked inside seeing my mom on the couch she smiled at me i rolled my eyes shaking my head running up the stairs. I ran in my room slaming the door shut sitting on the bed. I loved my mom but not in that moment. I layed on my bed for a while deciding i wasnt going to be in the mood for dinner. I closed my eyes slowly letting sleep take over. A few hours later I woke up to light knocking on my window. I sat up seeing it was dark outside i walked to the door opening it seeing Jordan there with his stupid little grin.

I rolled my eyes but i couldnt help but smile " you know my mom is right down there" i said

Jordan bit his lip nodding " good thing were going up instead of down" he said

I smiled watching him climb to the roof, we use to go there a lot mostly when Jordan needed homework answers but I was more then happy to help. I climbed up after him sitting down next to him in our normal spot. There was a blanket still there from just one or two months ago.

  Jordan looked over at me smiling "hows your sickness?" He asked

  I sighed looking up at the stars " still here.. Getting worse by the second" i said

His face filled with confusion once again " so if it insint like the flu then what kind of sickness is it" he asked

I looked over at him thinking of something to say " she thinks its a mental sickness I guess" i said

Jordan laughed out of confusion " im so confused. I dont understand what you mean man" he said

I sighed starting to get frustrated " like thinking the wrong way." I said

Jordan rolled his eyes grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him. I stared into his eyes feeling my heart start to race " can you elaborate sy?" He asked

I sighed nodding " i think i like.. Guys" i said mumbling the last part

Jordan stared at me supprised for a second before smiling " if your sick then im sicker" he said

I smiled looking up at him "sicker?" I asked

He nodded " way sicker" he said starting to lean in and pulling me into a kiss

It was short and sweet but we stayed up there for hours.  But once it got cold we ended up climbing down and sneaking off to his house.


Thanks for reading!

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