A story of Friendship

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The idea of Professor Plié won over the other teachers as well , and the same day a general meeting was organized in the auditorium to convey the news to the students . The Thea Sisters , moved , sat down next to Dina and Tanya . Colette took out the notebook she had brought to take notes . Vanilla and her friends , Zoe and Alicia , moved to their usual seats in the front row , while Vic , Shen and Craig took their seats at the back of the room . Despite their efforts to appear nonchalant and uninterested , it was obvious that they too were dying of curiosity . The headmaster Octavius de Mousus took the floor , immediately obtaining the public's attention .

Octavius : I have an announcement to make ! Professor Plié has presented us with a marvemouse idea for our yearly show . We will perform the musical inspired by the book The Wonderful of Wizard Oz !

Whispers of wonder ran through the room , many students already familiar with this story . But others looked around confused . Like Pamela .

Robert : The Wonderful of Wizard of Oz is the story of a girl named Dorothy and her fascinating trip to a magic world . One day , a tornado sweeps into her small town and whisks her away to a strange land . A good witch tells her that a Wonderful Wizard can help her find her way home . Dorothy stars walking along a yellow brick road , starting an adventure that will teach her the importance of a courageous spirit , a brillant mind , and a generous heart . But most all , she learns about the importance of friendship ! While Dorothy is on the yellow brick road , she meets three very unique characters . There is a sweet lion who thought he was a coward , but finds out that he has courage to spare . There is a tin man who would like to have a heart , but learns that he is already filled with love and kindness . And finally , there is a scarecrow who thinks he isn't smart , but ends using his intelligence to solve problems . At the end of her journey , Dorothy discovers a great truth before she can go home . The wizard does not have any magic powers . He reminds her that her love for her friends and family is the only magic she needs .

The room was completely silent , the students listening to the story speechless , except Pamela who fell asleep . And Colette was an exception to the general immobility , scribbling on the pages of her notebook . Smiling , Rosalyn winked at the Thea Sisters , it was the five of them and Dina who , during their funny incident of the morning , had reminded her of the characters in this famous story .

Camille : We only have a month to rehearse , and the auditions will be very challenging ! Because this show is a musical , our performers will have to excel in singing and dancing as well as acting .

The students exchanged discouraged looks .

Nicky : This is going to be hard , right Pam ? ...Pam ?

Pam is still asleep , Nicky woke her up .

Nicky : Pam !

Pamela : Huh ?! What ?!

Rosalyn approached the students to hand them out a sheet with the dates of the auditions .

Rosalyn : There will be three stages of auditions . The first audition is for acting and will take place tomorrow with Professor Show . Any student who passes the acting audition will attend my dance audition the following day . And whoever passes those auditions will go to the singing audition with Professor Aria .

Pamela : *sight*

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