A role for everyone

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But for the young Representatives , life goes on . The next day in the afternoon , the teachers finally met in the dance hall so that they could distribute the roles .

Colette : The suspense is too much !

Pamela , she was pacing in the hallway , nibbling a cookie .

Pamela : They're taking forever !

Pamela stared at Paulina reading the Bible .

Pamela : And you , Paulina ?! How can you be so calm ?!

Paulina : Well...I think the most nerous of all is him .

Paulina was talking about Craig , who was unresponsive . He got up all the time to go and listen at the door , then came back to sit down . Finally , the door opened and the professors came out with the list of roles .

Robert : In the story of Wonderful Wizard of Oz , the character of the Tin Man believes he does not have a heart . But while he looks strong and tough on the outside , he is sensitive on the inside . Therefore , this role will be played by....Craig Brightman !

Craig looked surprised , and then smiled , satisfied . Vic slapped him on the back .

Rosalyn : The Scarecrow thinks he doesn't have any brains , but it's his good thinking that helps his friends out of though times . The role goes to Vic de Vissen !

Anna : The Lion thinks he has no courage , but he bravely stands up to defend others . The role goes to Shen Morson !

Camille : The part of Dorothy , who finds her way back home with the support of her friends goes to...Paulina Reinoso Bernaldez !

Thea Sisters : Hooray !

Robert : Vanilla de Vissen , Alicia Fontaine and Zoe Adams !

Vanilla : Yes ? I'm assuming these are important roles , Professor ?

Robert : Indeed , they are ! You , miss de Vissen , have proven that you want to win at all costs .

Anna : And you , Fontaine and Adams , you have shown that you are willing to follow your friend every move .

Rosalyn : That's why we think that Vanilla de Vissen would make a perfect Wicked Witch of the West , and the rest of you can be her loyal assistants , the Winged Monkeys !

Vanilla : W-Wicked Witch...?!

Later , Vanilla discovers the costumes designed by Colette .

Colette : Look , we've designed some spectacular costumes for you !

For the character of the Witch of the West , Colette had imagined a black dress cut from plastic bags and burlap .

Vanilla : What the fuck is that ?! Garbage bags ?! You want me to wear a dress made of black garbage bag ?!

Zoe : And what's with these monkey outfits ?! Look at those fake feathers ! We'll look like chickens !

NickViolet : He , he , he , he !

Zoe : SHUT UP !

Exactly one month later , Cuzco , Peru . A postman handed a carefully crafted package to a little girl . It was about Maria , Paulina's little sister . The audience had found the Mouseford Academy show to be unforgettable . Paulina had been congratulated by the headmaster . The academy newspaper had devoted a long interview to him , and even Mrs. Ratyshnikov had given a compliment . Paulina wanted to dedicate her success to one and only person , her youngest , Maria . She had sent him a USB containing copies of photos and videos taken during rehearsals , as well as a long letter . Maria reads the letter :

'' Dear little sister .

The musical The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was a real sucess ! I so wished I could have seen you in the audience , but with this letter I'll tell you all about it , as if you had been right there with me . To play Dorothy's part , I had to go through three difficult auditions : drama , singing , and dancing . Thankfully , my friends the Thea Sisters were there to support me all the way . They send you hugs ! Colette , Violet worked on the costumes with our friends Tanya and Dina . The finished costumes were fantastic ! Pamela was in charge of the lighting and set again set design , and Nicky helped . They created some really spectacular special effects . Pam looked really confident behind the backstage control panel . But the biggest surprise might have been Craig , Vic and Shen . Craig was embarrassed to sing in public and his voice would crack . But he got more comfortable onstage the more he practiced . On opening night , he sounded amazing ! Shen was a big hit , too . He looked se sweet in his lion costume , but during rehearsal he was able to prove that he could roar loudly when he needed to . And Vic is normally so quiet and shy ! Well , he reallly got into his role as the carefree Scarecrow . During rehearsal , he was always joking around and singing . When the show ended , he went right back into his shell , which is a shame . But he is can honest and gentle soul . And the complete opposite of his twin sister , Vanilla ! She never fails to show us her true colors . She always got to rehearsal late and was always in a bad mood . She even managed to arrive late on opening night ! When she walked out onstage , thought , she was very focused and did her best . She was perfect in the part of the Wicked Witch of the West ! Professor Show himself played the Wonderful Wizard of Oz . He's a great actor ! And Professor Aria lent her amazing voice to the role of the good witch who helped Dorothy . She was perfect for the part ! On opening night , everything went exactly like a dream . Please Little Sister , take good care of the most precious memento from this show . You will find it inside this package . It is a framed photo of everyone who worked on the show ! 

With love and a kiss on the tip of your nose .

Paulina . '' 

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