Help Craig

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The next morning , at 8 a.m . Craig appeared at the entrance to the theater . The room was plunged into darkness . Only a small spot threw a circle of light on the slats of the floor in the center of the stage .

Craig : Hello ?

He scratched his head , Vic texted him early , he had asked him to come help him , but there was no one .

Paulina : Hello , Brightman ! What are you doing here so early ?

Paulina suddenly appears on the set , with a tect in the paw .

Craig : Vic said he needed somebody strong to help out , *squeezed his biceps* and since I've got the muscles !

Paulina : Maybe he's running late . Would you mind helping me in the meantime ?

Craig : Sure ! What can I do ?

Paulina : Well , I'm auditionning for Dorothy's part , but this song is a duet . Could you pratice with me ? It would really help to hear someone sing the other part .

Craig : Well , I mean , I don't usually sing in front of-

Paulina : Is just the two of us , and it's just pratice .

Craig : Okay , I guess . Let me see it .

Craig began to sing . Craig's deep melodic voice echoed through the darkened room . At first , the mice was a little on his guard , not taking his eyes off the text for fear of forgetting the lyrics . Then he let himself be carried away by Paulina and their two voices mingled , filling the room with vibrating harmonics . On the third resumption of the refain , Craig's eyes moved away from the song for good and , carried by the music , he cooed without stumbling over a word . A long applause greeted the end of their performance .

Craig : Who is there ?!

Paulina : You were amazing , Brightman !

Craig : What ?!

The spotlights at the edge of the stage lit up one by one, dispelling the darkness in which the room was plunged , and illuminated Vic , Shen , Dina , Tanya and Thea Sisters .

All : Bravo ! You did it !

Then the beams of light moved , revealing the presence also of the teachers of Mrs. Ratyshnikov's class .

Anna : That was a beautiful audition

Craig : So...did you guys all plan this ?!

Shen : That's right ! It was Violet's plan !

Vic : When we explained the issue , the professors were happy to help us .

Anna : We wanted to be fair . It would be a shame if you had given up just because you were nervous !

Rosalyn : And now you know that you can do it !

Craig : Yeah...I guess you're right !

Paulina : I hope you're not mad .

Craig : No way ! Why i'll be mad ? You did me a favor !

Vanilla : What is going here ?!

Vanilla , accompanied by her friends Alicia and Zoe , entered the theater like a fury . She walked towards the stage .

Vanilla : Is this a special audition ?! Why didn't I know about it ?! This is unfair ! You two should be disqualified !

Shen : Shut up ! You talk about fairness ! If you really are better than everybody else , why don't you just prove it on the stage ?!

Vanilla had unexpected such a reaction so little that she was stuck in place .

Shen : What are you waiting for ?! Go ahead and audition !

Anna : Brightman and Bernaldez have done nothing wrong . And I would be happy to hear you sing now .

Vanilla : Audition ? Now ?

Zoe and Alicia stared at the floor , they didn't know which side to take . The day before , the three Vanilla Girls had spent all their time devising a plan to put Paulina out of the game and they had forgotten to study the song for the audition .

Vanilla : Um...I left the music in my room . I prefer to audition later .

Vanilla , very embarrassed , retreated in the direction of the door and disappeared into the hallway , followed by her cronies .

Anna : Now let's continue the sing audition !

Thea Sisters and friends : Okay !

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