Let's improvise

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The next morning at 9 am sharp , good number of students gathered in the courtyard of the academy to the first audition , the acting audition . In the meantime , Apotre Sol observed the boarders from the sun .

Sol : Well , well , well...What they doing now ?

Then , Sol recognizes two of them , Alessandro and Alessio . Of course , he was not even informed of their presence .

Sol : What the...what these two doing here ?!....Mars !!

The mice disappears from his home to find his comrade . On dry land , Violet , Nicky and Paulina felt rather anxious , but their friends , gathered around them , warmly encouraged them .

Pamela : You'll be fabumouse !

Colette/Dina/Tanya : We'll be thinking of you !

Colette , Pamela , Tanya and Dina therefore left for work . As for Vanilla , she had very different concerns . While observing the Thea Sisters , she searched for an idea to get rid of her rivals .

Vanilla : All right , our goal is to eliminate the Thea Sisters from the audition . Luckily , Tangu and Mirabeau have made it easy for us . I bet they were afraid to audition once they were sure that I was trying out .

Zoe : I knew weren't serious about all that 'fair challenge' stuff , de Vissen . I have already prepared the perfect trick for you .

She showed her friends a piece of red candy on her paw .

Alicia : Ooh , candy ! I love candy ! Can I take one , please ?

But Zoe immediately pulled away .

Zoe : Don't think about it ! This is Brown's favorite candy . Their filling is made of super-spicy pepper .

Vanilla : Good thinking , Adams ! I want to see how Bernaldez , Adrianson and Yang will be able to talk with fiery-hot throats .

Robert : One of the most challenging exercises for an actor is improvisation ! That is acting by following what happens in the moment , without a script . And I think a challenge is just what we need today ! So the theme of our first audition is improvisation ! We'll go into the village . Alone , or with a team , you must come up with a sketch . The citizens will be your audience , and the street will be your stage . Those of you who manage to get the most attention will pass the audition .

Vanilla , since she was a little mouselet , she had always been the center of attention . Violet , on the other hand , moaned of nervous , acting on a stage was already a challenge to her shyness , so what about in the middle of the street .

Violet : I'll never make it ! No ! I can't act out on the street , in front of everybody . It's too embarrasing !

Paulina : You'll make it , Vi ! We'll be with you .

Nicky : You're so talented . I know you can do this !

A few minutes later , the small group led by the Professor Show was leaving the yard to follow the path that led to the village . For their part , the Russo twins .

Alessandro : Go with this group . I go to inside .

Alessio : Okay .

The two brothers separate . Vic was about to text , but a glint in his right side of the screen immediately caught his attention , someone had actually stayed behind .... Craig . The rodent had come for the audition , but he no longer seemed determined to follow the others and wandered sadly in the courtyard . Vic heard him whisper .

Craig : Damned...

Shen saw as Vic stopped .

Shen : What's wrong ?

Vic : What's up with Brightman ? He's acting really weird .

Shen : Yeah . Did you see how he was upset about the singing audition .

Vic : Maybe i have shouldn't asked him...

Bartholomew : Maybe deep down he wants to try out , but his fear from past his holding him back .

The two boys turned and saw Professor Sparkle approaching .

Vic : Professor Sparkle ? Do you really think so ? Brightman has never been afraid to audition before .

Shen : That's right ! He's always so sure of himself . He's the first one to line up for a race , and the first one to step onto the field in a game . He never gets nervous .

Bartholomew : Even the strongest rodent can be nervous . Brightman just needs to find his confidence about singing . Perharps , he needs a little push from his friends .

The professor walked away .

Shen : What did he just say ?

Vic : I think I know what to do...

Shen : Huh ?

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