My Everything; Dokyeom

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Articles after articles were being released all because of a silly mistake. But it was a mistake that made both sides of the relationship panic and lash out at one another without thinking.

"How was it leaked in the first place?" Seungcheol was the first person in the dorm to speak up when he spotted Dokyeom pacing back and forth in the living room.

His relationship even reached national television, causing him to nearly throw the remote at the tv.

"I have no idea, I was just walking M/n home after our filming for Going Seventeen like I usually do." Dokyeom anxiously replied. Within the many articles that were being released, their manager had contacted the group asking for cooperation with both Dokyeom and M/n.

Heaving out a sigh, Seungcheol sat on the couch and signaled for the younger to join him. "You have a choice to make, but they'll both come with a price." Seungcheol spoke up with a hint of guilt.

The leader knew how much M/n meant to Dokyeom. Being together for almost two years, there was never a day the vocalist wasn't talking about M/n. Within the group, everyone knew about their relationship and actually found it cute whenever M/n would visit them whenever he could.

Dokyeom and M/n did bring up the topic of coming out to the public, but M/n would always tell his boyfriend it was too much of a risk since Dokyeom's loved by so many.

Nodding his head, Dokyeom grabbed his phone and quickly texted M/n. "I'll go talk to him and see what he wants to do." Dokyeom thanked Seungcheol for the listening ear and made his way to M/n's apartment.

As much as he wanted to just talk about the situation over to the phone, Dokyeom knew it was best to see how M/n was also handling the sudden news.

When he arrived at M/n's apartment, the idol punched the key to M/n's door and let himself in. There stood M/n in the kitchen making breakfast with music on as if it was yet another Saturday for him.

"You came here quick." M/n smiled while lowering the heat on the stove.

"Did you see the news or any articles?" Dokyeom immediately asked, slightly taken aback by how relaxed M/n was.

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