Be My Teammate;Minghao

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6:30 am. That's the time Minghao's college thought it would be acceptable to host the annual exam that signified how much power their students had. DWMC, short for Death Weapon Meister College, is a collge full of students that are classified under two groups. Humans that were born with the power to into a weapon, were called Death Weaponers. Those who enough power to weild one of those weapons, were called Meisters.

Minghao's a Meister and was finally getting the chance to see how powerful he had become over the past years of studying at the academy. Just like any other Meister college student, they all had to graduate from the academy...which is the exact same school, but the change of the last letter—making it DWMA. Oh how creative the school is...

Letting out a long yawn, Minghao groggily made his way over to his homeroom.

"Minghao, morning! Are you ready for today's big exam?"  Mingyu, a good friend of Minghao's, smiled brightly as if the sun wasn't just now waking up from its own slumber.

"I need two hours of extra sleep before I take this exam." Minghao frowned and took a seat next to his friend.

Despite studying at the college for two years already, Minghao never understood why exam days were so early in the morning. Taking off the school's blazer, Minghao sighed when he glanced out the window to see the sun slowly rising.

"I'm suing the university for having us start school before the sun even rose." Minghao grumbled while looking over at Mingyu chuckling.

"Well...look at it on the bright side! After today, we can start training with our weapons and even go on missions." Mingyu tried to reason with his friend as he took out his phone to show Minghao a new post that was added to the school's website. 

Handing his phone over to Minghao, Mingyu smiled brightly as he waited to explain what exactly he was looking at.

"Gyu, what's th-"

"I'm glad you asked. These are the DWs that are enrolled here, apparently there's this really strong one if you scroll all~the way to the bottom." Mingyu excitedly explained.

Taking his phone, Mingyu immediately scrolled to the bottom of the page and tapped on the person's picture. "This person's M/n. Apparently, he's the strongest DW here and is pretty hard to team up with if you don't have enough wavelength in your soul. Rumor has it that he hasn't shifted since the death of his last Meister."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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