Race To Win; Hansol

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Hansol wasn't the best when it came to dating. If he finds someone attractive, he'll be straightforward and ask them out, but as soon as he doesn't feel the same spark as he did from the beginning, the relationship comes to an end. Which was why he was walking around with the print of a handprint on his cheek, the stinging sensation making it even worse.

"When will you ever learn?" Joshua, his best friend, sighed when Hansol sat next to him to receive a shrug. Joshua handed Hansol the lunch he bought and went back to reading a new book. "I told you Boo Seungkwan wasn't going to let you get away unhurt." Joshua mumbled while flipping to a new page.

"He didn't have to slap the shit out of me though." Hansol furrowed his eyebrows and opened the bag to eat. Unlike the rest of his friends who were in long and healthy relationships, Hansol never found that kind of lifestyle flattering for many reasons.

The stinging soon went away but the red handprint lasted longer than it needed to. "Damn, did Boo do that to you?" Mingyu chuckled and sat next to Joshua. The quiet friend smiled at Mingyu and flipped to the next page in the book.

"Yeah, don't date him if you don't want a bruise." Hansol bitterly said and looked around the cafeteria for his now ex-boyfriend.

Shrugging his shoulders, Mingyu wrapped his arms around Joshua and ate from the bag of chips the older offered him. "Don't need to, I have my eyes set on someone from the biker crew." Mingyu responded and paused, realizing he exposed himself.

Hansol raised his eyebrows and leaned in closer, finding the situation interesting. "You fell for someone that's part of the untouchable biker crew?" Hansol asked again and smirked when he saw the faint blush starting to appear on Mingyus's cheeks.

"They're not all untouchable! They just carry that kind of aura." Mingyu reasoned, now catching the attention of Joshua.

"And you know this how?" Hansol asked back, testing his patience.

The frustrated giant sighed in defeat. He actually had no idea if it was just their aura that made them untouchable. Mingyu just so happened to run into one of the bikers underneath the tree reading a book with his circular glasses on. His all-black outfit and gelled back hair clashed with the sight Mingyu witnessed.

As if on cue, a few of the bikers walked into the cafeteria talking about things most of the students didn't care to eavesdrop on. There stood Mingyu's crush and two others. One, catching Hansol's attention for many reasons.

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