New Pet; Wonwoo Pt. 3

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Hanging out with Mingyu was absolutely tiring. To be more exact, it was mentally exhausting listening to his good friend tell stories about Woozi as if they weren't together anymore. And to top it all off, he had to chase the other giant around the streets just so that he could talk to his own boyfriend.

"You can't leave yet!" Mingyu protested when he saw the older stand up from his spot. After the hectic call, Mingyu brought Wonwoo over to his house since it was furthest away from M/n.

"I spent the entire day with you, let me go." Wonwoo sighed with nothing but an exhausted look on his face. If anyone saw him, they would've thought the taller attend an all-day seminar.

Before Mingyu could think of a way to keep Wonwoo with him, he snapped back into reality when he heard his front door close. Glancing at his phone, Mingyu only winced from just imagining what might happen when he returns home.

When Wonwoo left, he already knew M/n was plotting something since Mingyu would usually let him leave whenever he wanted to. Of course, the excuse of just returning back home exists, but Wonwoo knew that didn't seem like the best answer.

Taking the train back to the nearest station, Wonwoo finally made it to his house. Entering the code, the taller was greeted with a small furry animal laying peacefully on the couch. Furrowing his eyebrows, Wonwoo exited the apartment just to glance up at the number to make sure he entered the right apartment.

Looking around the apartment, there were absolutely no signs of M/n being around except for a small letter that was stuck on the fridge.

"My lovely Wonwoo, if you're reading this then that means I didn't get back before you. I'll explain everything right when I get back." Wonwoo read in a somewhat monotone voice.

Going over to their new pet, Wonwoo sighed and made eye contact. "You look exactly like M/n's type...that's concerning." Wonwoo mumbled and scoffed when the puppy ignored him. Glancing down at the puppy's nametag, the giant couldn't help but place a small smile on his face.

"You're lucky M/n named you Haneul." Wonwoo spoke up before reaching over to grab the tv remote.

Plugging his phone into the charger, Wonwoo continued to stare at Haneul who wasn't fazed by the new person entering the house. He unlocked his phone and began to search for the dog breeds that had pointy ears.

"You don't really look like a puppy.." Wonwoo said to himself as he would glance up to check if Haneul looked related to any of the dogs that were shown on the website he was on.

With none of the breeds matching to what looked similar to Haneul, Wonwoo searched up an image of a fox and quietly gasped. Quickly, Wonwoo texted his groupchat and sent a picture of both the fox from the internet and of Haneul.

"Did he really adopt a fox?" Wonwoo chuckled nervously when he saw his friends agreeing that Haneul looked more like a fox than a dog.

Hearing the sound of the front door's passcode getting punched in, Wonwoo immediately stood up to let his boyfriend in.

"Welcome back, my lovely boyfriend." Wonwoo smiled at M/n who only smiled back.

"Should I make dinner first?" M/n nervously asked. Looking up at Wonwoo, he saw no chance of getting a smile from the taller anytime soon.

Motioning over to Haneul who walked over to M/n, Wonwoo took his phone out and prepared his presentation to his boyfriend. M/n prepared Haneul's area as well as placing food for the puppy. Opening his arms, M/n let out a hearty laugh when Haneul allowed him to cuddle.

"M/n, babe. I'm here." Wonwoo slumped on the couch, watching the smaller cuddle Haneul.

Letting go of Haneul, M/n sat next to Wonwoo and allowed him to rest his head on M/n's lap. "What did you want to show me by the way?" M/n spoke up after searching for anything interesting on tv.

Wonwoo handed M/n his phone so he could see the resemblance between Haneul and a fox. Humming in response, M/n gave the phone back and glanced at Haneul once more. "But Haneul is so adorable." M/n frowned, just from imagining the scene of letting Haneul be with the rest of the foxes.

Squeezing his cheeks, "I didn't say we had to give Haneul back, but it's best if we talk with someone first." Wonwoo responded before giving his boyfriend a quick kiss.

M/n nodded and called for Haneul. "I bought her a collar, can you put it on her while I call Soonyoung?" M/n sweetly asked Wonwoo, running to their bedroom to grab a portable charger.

Glancing down at Haneul, to Wonwoo's surprise, Haneul actually stayed still and allowed him to place the pastel-colored collar on her fluffy fur. Right when he was done, she ran to M/n who was able to call his friend.

"Soonie, guess what. Haneul might be a fox." M/n spoke to Soonyoung as if it was the hottest topic in the neighborhood.

Hearing Soonyoung gasp, M/n knew that it would be best to see if they would still be able to keep their new family member. Despite being young, Haneul was obedient, mostly towards M/n, and followed his every step.

When they made it to the nearest vet clinic, M/n explained the situation to the workers. It didn't take long for the couple to get cleared to keep Haneul, which was why they were currently having dinner at a park.

"When you said you were going shopping, I didn't think you would actually adopt a pet." Wonwoo brought up the topic first since M/n was fishing out many ways to bring up a good explanation.

Slightly frowning, "We looked at some this morning, I just got carried away when I was with Soonyoung." M/n defended himself with his arms crossed against his chest.

Laughing at his boyfriend's actions, Wonwoo ruffled his [h/c] hair and lightly kissed him. "It's fine, Haneul's cute anyway." Wonwoo responded before falling from the impact of Haneul pouncing on him to separate the couple.

The taller playfully rolled his eyes and placed her on his lap. "Haneul, M/n loves me more."

"I think I love you both equally now." M/n cooed at Haneul who made her way over to M/n to get cuddles from the shorter.

"We're taking her back."


woooooo the first request is done :))

also onlyoneof's songs need to stop being slept on :\

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