Chapter 2: Him

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Incase its not showing above this is Lucas ⬆️⬆️⬆️

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Incase its not showing above this is Lucas ⬆️⬆️⬆️

20 minutes later we are at the party and find it in full swing, people out at the front with bottles in there hands, people make out on the loan and front porch.
We push past them and enter the flat house and head towards the makeshift bar int he kitchen. Emily and Jeremy get there drinks and offer me one, I shake my head no because I don't know what they made them with. Emily laughs as she watches me make my drink. As soon as I finish we head towards the couch  and sit sipping our drinks. Not more than 10 minutes Emily taps my shoulder,
"Yah" I look at her
"We will be back soon" She says looking shy
"Don't tell me..." I smack my mouth shut and node my head as I watch them get up and leave.
'Their really going at it like bunnies' I chuckle as the thought pops in my head.
'Isabella you there'
' what do you want' she responds
' what's with the attitude'
'nothing, am going back to sleep' she cuts me off before I can respond.
I look around and see that I don't know anybody. Damn I should really make more friends I say to myself.
Seeing that 20 minutes had passed and Em was not back I decided to go make myself another drink.
Lazily getting up I walk to the kitchen as I bump into people mumbling a sorry there and then.
I smile seeing am almost reaching the kitchen when suddenly Liquor is almost spilt all-over me.
I release a breath I didn't know I was having and walk around the counter to make myself a drink.
I don't know how many drinks I made as I waited for Emily, not wanting to drink anymore I decided to join the people dancing on the makeshift dance floor.
I slowly start moving my body to the beat of the sound knowing that I was getting attention, I smirk inwardly pleased with myself.
Next thing I know my favorite twerk song is playing and without knowing am there shaking my ass not caring who can see me.
I continue my dancing because I know I have a big butt that I am very proud of until I suddenly feel someone grinding on my ass.
I stop my dancing and move away from him, because I could feel his hard erection on my butt.
I go back to the couch and find people making out right there in front of everyone not even feeling shame. I roll my eyes and walk towards the kitchen.
'i think I need another drink' I say to myself.
5 minutes later I see Emily and Jeremy heading my way.
"Hey Em" She says as she tries to hug me
"You smell of sex and like Jeremy don't hug me" I push her away and blankly state.
"Well you are so staight forward" Jeremy says while picking two cups and fill them with more of what they were drinking.
"Well I was just putting it out there" I replied taking a sip of my liquor.
"Well shall we sit " Emily tells Jeremy while taking a cup from him.
" Do not leave me again" I state
"We won't " they both state as they gulp their drinks.
"Do you guys smell that" I ask when get a sniff of an entoxicating scent.
"What" they ask
"Nvm it's not there anymore"  the scent is weak.
I look at Emily to find her sitted on Jeremy's laps as they eat each other's faces off.
"If you want to do that, go do it somewhere private" I say
"Sorry, will be back in 10 minutes" Jeremy says while pulling a list filled Emily aways from me and up the stairs.
'Gosh what's with everyone here being all sexual.'
'i don't know' Isabella replies
' oh so now you want to talk to me' I tease
' I can always go back to sleep' she taunts.
' wait' I grab the cup Emily was drinking and smell it.
' I knew something was wrong, these bustards drugged the drink' I say
So sooner than later I see a girl coming to get some of the mixture.
"Stop" I tell her
"What" she says looking at me
"Don't drink that"
"Just don't it's...." I pause mid way when that magnificent scent smells closer
She looks at me questionly and makes her own drink.
10-30 minutes later. I see Emily and Jeremy coming back to their sits look drained. I start laughing immediately they sit but instantly stop when my body tenses and then relaxes.
I see Emily reaching out for a cup and trying to get some drink
"Don't " I tell her
"Why " she looks at me
" It's drugged Em, that's why you and Jeremy are at it so much" I say whispering the last part. I really feel bad for then because wolves and vampires are really horny creatures.
"Thanks" she says while putting the cup down.
Before any of us could earn Jeremy he had already drunk half his cup.
"Shit" Em states
"Elena we'll be back" she says grabbing a cup and walking away to were they came from.
Am about to start laughing when suddenly I feel like all my breath has been sucked out.
' Isabella what is it'
' He's here' she says while jumping up and down.
' who'
' Our mate'
'No, no, no' I stand up and run from the scent that seemed to get closer
'Elena go to our mate' my wolf growls trying to take over.
'No I say' before hitting a large surface or should I say chest.
I use my hands to push and regret immediately as I feel like my body is being electrified (in a good way).
"Shit" I swear out loud
Before he could talk I bolt towards the door and run towards the bus station.
Lucky enough I find a bus about to leave and get on it..
I relax as I sit at the window while the bus drives off.
I catch that scent again through the air coming through my window and tense as I turn my head look outsideand I see it.
Right there near the station was a magnificent black wolf staring at the moving bus. I push my head down and hide my face listening to my wolf howling.
' You see, this is what I didn't want. Stop whining already' I rudely say to her.
Isabella blocks me and continues howling.
I let out a frastrated sigh, pull out my pods and listen to music.

30 minutes later am home, in my bedroom as I change into my night wear.
I turn to pick my phone when I hear it buzzing.

'are you okay, I saw leave the party in a rush'

'Elena tell me I saw someone run in your direction, are you okay'

'Elena the guy just returned looking pissed, did he do anything to you'

' Am okay,it's nothing really. I just got bored and decided to come back home'  I reply

'Okay be safe'

I laugh at how much she worries about me.
I put my phone to charge and go to sleep dreaming about the wolf I saw.

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