Chapter 7

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" well, his name " I come back to reality when I hear my brother's voice.

" Sorry what " I look at him

" See, she's lying " he says

" I am not, at first I didn't know his name because I have been avoiding him but now that I do It will stay like that " I say to him

" Why would you avoid your mate El, if he's so bad reject him "

" You know what, I might just do it " I look at the pic

'It's him' I say to myself

"This him" I now notice my brother having my phone

"He's hot " Melanie says making my brother growl.

" Come on baby, I love only you but you have to admit his hot " she says looking at my brother.

" Whose hot " Max's mate comes in the room

" Him " Melanie shows her

" Damn, he's a fine a peice of meat " she says making Max growl

"Calm down, I didn't say am leaving you " she tells him, he mumbles something then she turns to me

" Hey El " she smiles

" Hey Bella " I smile back

" So who is he and why does he look familiar " my brother brings us back to the topic

" My mate " I reply

" Why does he look familiar " he says closely looking at the pic

"Because he is Lucas Matthews " I speak very low

" What " everyone in the room stares at me

" My mate Is Lucas Matthews okay " I say loudly this time

Everyone freezes and stare at me. I sit there looking at my hands as I wait for them to process the news.

" Why the fuck are you avoiding a royal lycan El " he groans

" That's what you are worried about " I raise my eyebrow

" El, mate or not it is disrespectful to ignore him, dad told us that repeatedly " he says

" I know, but I don't want a mate just yet or maybe never " I stubbornly stare at him

" Fine, whatever you say sis. " He gives up

" So how many times did you meet " Bella who is now on Max's lap ask

" Twice " I shrug

" Were " Melanie asks with interest.

" First was at a party, I didn't see him but I saw his wolf I presume staring at the bus as I took off , secondly at my university when I was rushing here " I say

" And you ran away both times " Melanie asks

"Yes" I started feeling guilty

" Wow, he is so patient. " She says

" What do you mean " I look at her

" Your brother here didn't even gives us time to get each other better " she looks at my brother accusingly

" You were in pain " he whines

" Doesn't matter now anyway am glad I met you " she brushes him off going to the kitchen.

" What does he mean pain and you " I point at him " she was in pain and all you thought of was sex " I glare at him

" Think it through " both him and Max say, then realization hits me like full force.

" Oh shit, you went into heat " I look at her as she enters with a cup of water

" Yah " she says shyly.

" Okay... So is my room still here or am going to sleep at moms " I ask my brother changing the subject.

" It's there... Untouched like you wanted except for the bedding which get washed every week " he says.

"Thank you, am going to take a nap " I stand up heading to the stairs

" Stop avoiding your mate, it only makes you crave them more " Max shouts.

" How would you know " I pause

" Speaking from experience, remember " he says looking at Bella.

" I'll try to remember " I shout back continuing with going to my room.


Am woken up by a buzz on my phone. I check the text to find it's a unknown number

Hey - unknown

I ignore it and try to go back to sleep which I didn't get because several minutes later it was ringing.

" Hello "

" Hey, is this Elena " a male says

" Yes, who are you" I

" Am your mate " he says so casually

" I don't have a mate and how did you get my number " I gulp

" I got it from Emily " he says

" Oh " I don't know what to tell him

" Why do you say you don't have a mate when you clearly do " he says claimingly

" Sorry.. I can't get you .... "

I hung up and put my phone on my chest feeling my fast heartbeat.

He tries to call again but I don't answer. Several minutes I receive a text.

" Hey again, incase you didn't know my name am Lucas Matthews, I am a lycan and your mate, We have met twice. "

I feel guilty as I read the text but ignore it and decide to not reply.

I get up when my stomach growls reminding me am hungry and head down stairs to eat something.

As soon I was done eating, I went back to my room and forced myself to go back to sleep.

' you won't reject him will you ' Isabella asks

' no, of course not ' I immediately say because I know how much a rejection can hurt.

' just hope you don't push him away too much to make him lose interest in us ' she says irritated and blocks me.

I finally went to sleep with his image in my mind and hoping this week goes by fast.

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