Chapter 9

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..... its our boy .....

Lucas pov.

'I finally saw her and was near her but once again she ran away from me.'

I punch the wall as I pace around my room, trying to calm the beasts inside down.

" What the hell are you doing" my brother comes rushing in.

" I don't know what to do man, is there something wrong with me."
I look at him trying to find the answer as to why she keeps running away.

Of course he doesn't know what am talking about because he  looks at me confused as to why I have asked him such a question " what happened "

" She ran away again " I say feeling frustrated.

" Give me sec to think and please stop punching the wall " he says getting irritated. After some time he spoke again " Let's make her Jealous"

I look at him like he has grown another head. " I can't do that who know how her wolf might behave, I will figure it out " I say sitting down on my bed.

" You sure "

" Yah. I think I'll just text her "

" You have her number " he says sounding surprised. " Didn't you say she keeps running away"

" I got it from her friend " I reply feeling exhausted.

" Is she single " he says wiggling his eyebrows.

" no "

" Still, who knows I might be her mate " he says still wiggling his eyebrows.

" You are not " I say dismissively, trying to think about what I should text my mate.

" How would you know " he persist.

" Because Alpha Jeremy would have to die to even let you touch her."

" So what she belongs in his pack, am higher than him it shouldn't be an issue and besides I can take him " he says feeling smug about it.

" I know you can but if he dies, she will hate you or worse dies too "

" Explain further " he says obviously confused.

" He's her mate, and you would have known that if you weren't thinking with your dick right now"

" Huh, sorry I spaced out " he smiles but stops when he meets my eye. " I heard you, I am just joking "

" I hope you are, I wouldn't want to destroy an amazing pack for no good reason all because my brother couldn't keep it in his pants " I say as I fall on my bed.

" glad to know you are on my side " he says sarcastically 

" shut up and get out if you don't have anything sensible to say " I mummer.

" okay fine, see you later Mr brooding Grinch " he says with a smirk will closing my door behind him.

deciding on texting her  

hey - 

I wait for a few minutes after I see the text has been read but later on see she ignored me. my beast are getting agitated so I decide to call her.


' hey, this is Elena right ' I say trying to hide how excited I was when i heard her voice.

' yes, and who are you' she says

'am your mate' i say

' I don't have a mate and how did you get my number ' she says

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