Chapter 8

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Without knowing it 1 week had already gone by and it was time to go back to school.

Before you ask, yes I have been ignoring Lucas and yes he has been texting me throughout the week.

" Elena you ready to go " I hear my brother ask

"Yah, just give me a sec " I say and turn to grab my stuff.

" Why are you ignoring your mate " I hear my brother asking as I come down.

"Why are you having my phone" I say snatching it from him as soon as I reach him "and how did you know my password "

"  Don't ignore my question "

" Back at you " I retort

" I got it because I wanted to take some pictures, I know your password because I am your twin remember " he says

"Okay sure but that didn't mean u should check my texts "

" I got curious when I saw his new text. Now tell me why you are ignoring the king " he says getting impatient.

" Because I want to " I say walking away.

" If you don't want him, I will gladly want him " a cheerful voice says

" Oh hey Samantha " I greet her trying to hide my annoyance.

" Yah whatever! So i can have him right "

" If you know what's best for you, keep quiet " my brother mummers to her.

" But she said she doesn't want him " she whines " and he is so hot and sexy, like have you seen his Instagram "

I suppress the growl threatening to come out and try to calm Isabella.

" Ummm Samantha please shut up if you don't want to die " my brother whispers to her with authority in his voice.

" Yes Alpha "  she bows her head then looks at me with irritation.

" What's with the look " I ask her upfront. I don't like her that much

' why, because she wants our mate ' Isabella mocks me

I ignore her and face the girl now glaring at me.

" Well firstly you don't want him, secondly you ignore him. Why not give him to someone else " she rolls her eyes.

Failing to control my wolf any further, Isabella switches with me gripping Samantha's throat tightly " stay the hell away from my mate, if I ever see any sign of you near him I will kill you "

" Isabella let go right now " my brother shouts.

" Fine " she lets go of Samantha watching her drop to the floor and crawl away from me.

" Now let Elena come back " he says gently.

Isabella hesitates but allows me to take control. I look at Samantha and pretend to be sorry as I walk to help her get up.

" Am so sorry " I say trying to hide my smile.

" It's okay, I understand you lost control " I look at her expecting her to walk away but she does the opposite " can I have his number"

I look at her in shock, pretty sure my mouth is hanging open. " Please, I know your wolf won't be okay with it but aren't you going to reject him since u don't want him "  she says looking happy again.

This time I can't help it but growl viciously warning her to stop talking before I do something I will regret.

" Okay, Samantha go to your mate and stop bothering my sister, it was amusing at first but now it looks like she wants to kill you " my brother says pulling me away from her.

" Yes Alpha, sorry Elena I was just playing with you. I have a mate I really love, anyways good luck with everything. " She says and walks out.

" I hate you " I push my brother away

"Come on, you are going to be late " he says pushing me out the door

" Am going to teleport, why are you pushing me outside " I stop in my tracks.

" You have to tell mom and dad you are leaving " he says walking ahead of me.

I run to catch up with him as we walk towards my parents house chatting about him being the alpha now , me ignoring Lucas ( which he still doesn't like ) and all sorts of stuff.

We open the door but stop in our tracks to watch the scene infront of us. My dad was on his knees pleading for I don't know what while my mom looks at him pleased.

" Umm... I came to tell you am leaving " I say trying to seem not affected.

" Oh honey thank God you are here " my dad says like he didn't know we were here.

" Dad, What have you done again" my brother asks my dad trying not to laugh.

" Nothing " he says looking guilty while taking a sit.

" Is that right" my mom says to him " Elena would you mind if I stayed with you for a month or so "

" Umm... no, let's go am leaving now " I say to her

I see my dad grabbing my mom and pulling her on his lap " come on baby don't be like that " he says to her.

" Ewwww " my brother and I say at the same time. " Don't do that infront of us "

" Anyways, am going now I have private matters to attend to " my brother suddenly says.

" Yah, let's go. " But just to get on my dad's nerves " mom you coming "

" No thanks sweetie, just be safe " she says dismissing me completely .

" Okay" I say walking out of the door.

" I guess I will see you whenever" I say to my brother who looks preoccupied.

" Yah, sure, bye " he says walking away from me.

' were are you rushing to'

' going to get laid '

' horny dog '

' haha very funny, bye . Love you' he says closing off our link.

I look around me and teleport back to my flat. I place my things on the ground to go take a shower. Minutes later I am done with everything and since it's morning already I get ready for my lecture. I was to lazy to do to much, wore a simple all black outfit, are my breakfast and went to class.


pack my car and head towards my lecture hall while looking for my bestfriend but pause in my tracks when I see Lucas. But he is not alone, Lexi was at his side with her hands on his chest.

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