Chapter 12

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Very short chapter

Two months have passed since that day and oviously am okay. So what if hasn't texted me or called me and I haven't seen him in campus,so what if I feel his presence but still can't see him, so what if I don't find him even when I follow his scent on campus. I don't care.

Today I Feel so tired and drained, everything feels worthless and nothing makes sense anymore. Everyone keeps asking me if am okay and it's getting on my nerves, why can't they leave me alone.

" Hey, are you sure you are okay Em is really worried about you " says Jeremy as he stops me right before I hit the building Infront of me.

" Why wouldn't I be " I say irritated because he stopped me from getting hurt.

" Okay you are definitely not okay because I just stopped you from hurting yourself, were is my thank you. " He says

" I didn't ask you to save me, maybe I wanted to get hurt " I say back with watery eyes

Jeremy looks at me with sympathy which also gets on my nerves.

" Am calling Emily, just stay here okay " he says after making me sit against the wall


Minutes later Emily comes running towards me and hugs me very tightly which leads to me crying and sobbing.

" Elena teleport us to your place okay " I hear her say when people start looking our way to see whats happening. I do as she says.

" Sit on the couch, am going to get some ice cream from the fridge " she says moving towards the kitchen.

" Wanna talk about it " I nod while stuffing my face with my favorite ice cream (pasta biscotti cocoa).

" My wolf hasn't spoken to me for two months now sob and I miss her. My mate hates me and it's all my fault sob . I am so lost and I don't know what to do, every time I try to look for him he disappears, I thought he would get over my childish act and talk to me already but who are we kidding he won't come back 😭😭😭. " I continue stuffing my face and sobbing.

" Atleast you know he is still around because of the teddy bear he left on your doorstep to help the mate bond with his scent " she says

" His scent is almost completely gone from the teddy, I tried to replicate it but I couldn't even do that Em " I sob some more.

" It's okay, just give him some time am sure he still wants to be your mate " Emily tries to comfort me.

" But he has had two months, he should have known I was lying about not wanting him. You know why I couldn't just agree to the bond " I sob

" I know sweetie " she hugs me tight before letting go to answer her phone.

" Is it Jeremy " I ask after she is done.

" Yes, he needs me for something but am sure he can handle it all by himself " she says holding me close again

" Does it involve the pack " I ask because she looks conflicted.

" Yes, he just needs my input on some certain things but am sure it can wait till later " she responds

" If it's important you can go, am not some weak minded girl that can't get over this moment of weakness " I say with a smile to reassure her.

" Are you sure " she asks

" Yes, I will send you to the pack house tell Jeremy to meet you there if he isn't there " I say

" Okay, I will see you later. Take care of yourself and I love you okay " she responds before I teleport her.

I get up and drag myself upstairs feeling tired from all the crying knowing very well my eyes are swollen.  Throwing myself on the bed I wrap myself in my blanket hugging my teddy bear. I feel someone near me but their presence makes me feel more relaxed and I go to sleep.

   What do you think, should he come back or just wait for a little longer.
Our Lucas is so sweet though, even leaving her something with his scent to help🥺😩.

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