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Hermione Pov

The next day, Luna, Xenophilius, Teddy, Andromeda and my parents all arrived at the Manor (my parents being two days early). I gave my parents a huge hug. "Mum, Dad!" I sigh. "I've missed you."
"We've missed you too, dear," Mum says.
Dad turns to Draco who was standing regally on the stairs. "Come down here Lad, I want a word with you."

"Good afternoon Hank," Draco says narrowly. He always gets like this when he's around Dad, because he only asked for my hand in marriage a day before he actually  proposed to me and felt bad for not waiting longer. He comes down the stairs slowly composing himself.

"You've been treating my daughter well haven't you?" Dad asks. "You've haven't hurt her or anything?"

"No sir," Draco says, "I do my best to spoil her with gifts and constant attention as well as mentally challenge her."

"The headmistress secured us both jobs as teachers at Hogwarts," I chime. "We'll be dedicating the extra wages to charity work and my S.P.E.W. campaign."

"That's lovely dear," Mum says.

We hear giggling then we see Teddy crawl out of the dining room. "Pardon me," Draco nods at Dad then rushes over to Teddy and picks him up. Teddy grabs Draco's nose. "Hey that's mine!" Draco protests playfully. "You've got your own nose, Werewolf Baby."

I go over to the uncle and nephew duo; Teddy leans forward holding out his arms to me and grunts, Draco pulls his shoulder back, "Nu-uh that's mine as well, you can't have her."

Mum and Dad chuckle, "We'll go find the guests rooms then," Mum says. "I'm sure Andromeda and Narcissa are catching up."
"Uncle Xeno and Luna are giving them a fascinating lecture on Dracenders," Draco provides. They nod cluelessly and head upstairs to the left wing.

"You alright love?" Draco asks. Before I can reply he holds up two fingers to say 'two seconds'. "Aunt Andromeda! We're kidnapping Teddy!"

"Put him to sleep if you can!" Andromeda calls back. "He didn't sleep because he was too cold on the fly here."

"Okay," I confirm as Draco mutters. "Bloody chicken."
We take Teddy upstairs to our room in the East Wing. "What's bothering you Mya?"
"Nothing," I shrug as I collapse onto the bed. He puts Teddy down on the bed then lifts up my ringed hand. "This says otherwise."

"Spy jewellery," I mutter.

"Speak up, love," Draco lies down next to me, letting Teddy climb over his body.
"I just feel bad, you know," I surrender. "I finally got my parents back, then suddenly they are relinquishing me to you, then we end up in Hogwarts for months unable to go and visit them."

"So you feel like your a bad daughter?" he asks. I hum in response. "Do you know what I sensed when I went to ask your parents to marry you?" I don't reply so he continues. "First your parents were confused because they've never met me in person before. Then I got the sense they had no plans of giving away their daughter so I explained who I was and how much I loved you then they agreed that me and my handsome face could be worthy of their beautiful daughter."

I whack his arm, "Get over yourself."

"Of course I also deserve the violence that comes with being the husband of the woman the Boy-Who-Lived cowers in fear from."

"Yes you do," I nod as Teddy starts playing with my hair. "Was there a reason for this speech?"

"If your parents wanted to keep you to themselves, they wouldn't have given me permission to marry you, love," he explains. "Then I would have waited till next summer and ask again and again until they accepted me."

I laugh, "Malfoys get what they want I guess."

"You bet they do."

Married in Hogwarts (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now