Draco Pov
Kreacher woke us up last night and told us about what happened with Potter and the Black Family tree. Hermione panicked and had Kreacher bring back Potter's map. When the House-elf returned she duplicated the map and sent Kreacher back with a fake because she knew Potter would panic if he couldn't find it in the morning.
Once he left, she explained that Potter watches the map for three hours every night to make sure everything is in order in Hogwarts.
"Stalker," I muttered. "This is the perfect time to follow through with your threats and burn it."
She chuckled then shook her head, "I can't do that to him, he needs his therapies."
The night dragged on as Hermione struggled to sleep so we ended up picking a book and a duplicate from her mini library and read them until we both drifted back to sleep.Time skip
We arrive at Kings Cross at the same time but at different locations. I watch as Hermione rushes off across the street from the station and into a shop selling London souvenirs. She comes out five minutes later holding what looked like a white stuffed doll with cat ears dressed in a British flag dress.
My wife puzzles me sometimes.
I see Potter and four of the Weasley's arrive by car -the twins playing escort- I imagine the muggles would see a single family with one black sheep if they stopped to be nosey.
"Oi! Granger!" I call out. Potter's and the Weasleys' heads all snap up to spot me and then start searching for Hermione.
Hermione spots the four arrivals then turns to me, "What Malfoy?!" she calls back. "Yelling in public is impolite you know?"
"Why are you doing it then?" I reply. Several muggles chuckle. Hermione storms back across the street. "What do you want?" she asks in a slightly quieter tone.
I nod at her new toy, "I don't think now is the time to go shopping Beaver, you've got a train to catch."
In my own twisted way, I'm being a curious husband wanting to know what his wife has treated herself with.
"This is Hello Kitty," she says holding up the toy proudly, I now notice the detail of a single bow that matched the dress. "She's a fictional icon from Japan, I used to like the franchise when I was younger but I never bought anything from it. My parents told me that this shop started selling them and I couldn't help myself.
"'Mione!" She-Weasel calls to us. "You can spend time arguing with Malfoy later, the train's going to leave soon!"
"Coming!" she replies. She turns back to me, "She also matches your hair!"
I let out a chuckle then say loudly, "Please Granger, use your inside voice. My ears are ringing."
Her hand instantly goes to the other, making sure her ring isn't still on her finger because it sounded like I am suggesting it is. But it is safely tucked beneath her clothes, dangling from the chain around her neck. "Take your own advice, Malfoy!" she retorts.
"Off with you," I say. "I can't stand to be in your presence any longer."
"Likewise," she retorts then runs off to join her minions and the others.

Married in Hogwarts (Dramione)
FanfictionSaw a Headcanon on Tumblr and thought eh why not? Concept is partially inspired by a story @MizuChanBoii used to tell me about so make sure you follow her if you read this. Draco and Hermione are married in their Eighth Year and no one knows except...