Just a Hunch

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Third Person

Harry Pov

When Harry Potter has a feeling about something, it's hard for him to get rid of it. He was sure that what happened back at Grimmauld Place was nothing of significance but when Hermione accidentally crashed into him and his suitcase opened he thought it was a tad suspicious.

Hermione was simply returning the real Marauders Map before Harry found the replica. It didn't go as gracefully as she planned but she got the job done.

Harry recalled odd moments between the Head students that didn't match up with their antagonistic relationship, like their willingness to work together for their duelling club and that time by the Black Lake. One moment that now stood out to Harry the most was the incident on the train to London: of all the places on the train for Hermione to go to, she went to the Slytherin compartments where Draco was staying. She felt safe enough to sleep in front of him. Back then Harry was utterly baffled at the concept but then rationalised that Hermione had been sharing a dorm with Draco without any threats to her life.

Another thing about that day was the fact that Draco reacted so fast when Harry attempted to take Hermione's sleeping form back to his compartment; Draco's wand was at Harry's throat with an aura of utter malice along with a weak excuse for his reaction.

Harry turned to Ron who was lying awake on the other side of the room. "Ron," Harry began nervously. "Have you noticed something strange about Hermione?"

"Strange how?" Ron asked.

"It's just..." he stuttered. "She seems really comfortable around Malfoy but with us, she seems on edge."

"That's pretty backwards," Ron shrugged.

"Yeah, no kidding," Harry agreed. 

"To be honest," Ron continued. "I have noticed Malfoy staring at 'Mione a lot, a bit more than usual. It's not just him I saw Zabini and Ginny talking last month, you know... after he dropped her off to the dorms on the flying carpet."

"Talking?" Harry snorted. "About what?"

"The Holyhead Harpies," Ron supplied.

"Strange," Harry said. 

There's a small pause than Ron clicked his fingers, "I saw 'Mione and Malfoy talking earlier today."


"Hermione didn't call Malfoy 'Malfoy'." 

Harry's head shot up causing him to bash it on the frame of his bed, "What, you mean she calls him Draco?"

"She called him..." Ron shivered, "Dray."


"He called her 'Mya'," Ron added. 

"Maybe they've settled they've just got a truce thing going," Harry suggested. "Or they hate those nicknames so much they tease each other by calling the other person it."

The two boys spent an hour discussing the different possibilities for the Malfoy couple calling each other nicknames that weren't insulting, much to Seamus, Neville and Dean's dismay who were trying to sleep. The three were particularly interested in the conversation but it dragged on for so long they had gotten fed up. Just as Seamus was about to let out a series of Irish curses aimed at the Golden duo Harry finally confessed about what he thought he saw on the Black Family tree the night before.

Silence hung in the room, none of the boys could even contemplate the thought of the Gryffindor Princess marrying a Slytherin prince, an ex-deatheater at that.

"That's bloody ridiculous Harry!" Ron exclaimed. "It's even less likely than the idea that they are friends."

"But what I saw..." Harry protested.

"You were staring at the tree too hard," Ron explained. "You're glasses might have needed cleaning."

"What about all of those presents?" Neville whispered.

"Nev? You're awake?" Harry called.

"It's hard to sleep when you two were yapping for an hour," Seamus said frustrated.

"Nev's right though," Dean said. "What about all of those presents and jewellery? Parvati said all the girls thought it was Ron giving them but then she said that most of the presents were beyond your price range, no offence." 

Ron grumbled, "I could have told you that."

"Let's just say they are married," Seamus said ignoring the Golden Duo's shudder. "When did it happen? It can't have been during the war. Voldy would have found out and the two would be dead."

"So it would have been in the Summer or over the holidays," Harry theorised.

Neville let out a loud sigh, "Come on guys, we need to sleep, the girl in question is going to kill us if we fall asleep during lessons." They all nodded in agreement, leaving the discussion for a later date. None of them willing to believe that the binding between the Head Students was real. 

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