Saw a Headcanon on Tumblr and thought eh why not? Concept is partially inspired by a story @MizuChanBoii used to tell me about so make sure you follow her if you read this.
Draco and Hermione are married in their Eighth Year and no one knows except...
We're back at the Manor now. Hermione is sleeping in our bedroom hugging Teddy who found his way into our room an hour ago after Aunt Andromeda fell asleep in their room (they moved into the manor a couple of months ago). Hermione welcomed the confused toddler and helped him crawl into the bed. We're rather annoyed we missed his first steps last month but his progress has been amazing. Hermione settled him down and they both fell asleep.
Our decision on the train seems to have been the correct one. We'll talk about it tomorrow. I can't help but think of what Nymphadora would say, he's her son after all. I want to ask her.
I stare at the bookshelf that takes up the entire left wall of the room, it used to be filled with books all about Pureblood supremacy and the autobiographies written by each member of the Malfoy lines, Father, Uncle Xenophilius, Luna and I are the only one who haven't written one but none of us have used up our lifespans just yet. I don't think Father will ever write one.
The bookshelf is now filled with Hermione's vast book collection including books by the Brothers Grimm. She tells me the books are awful, filled with such dark themes but she continues to reread the books with twisted fascination.
I laugh just thinking about it.
I continue scanning and notice a book that smaller than the other ones. I look over at the spine to see what it is called but there is no title. I attempt to pull it out but suddenly I'm transported to a graveyard. The book was a portkey.
I hear someone speaking. It's sounds like Mother.
"Mother?" I call out.
"Draco?" she replies. I follow her voice and see her crouching down besides two graves. Belonging to Nymphadora and Remus. Hanging over the gravestones are two small portraits of them. "Wotcher Draco!" my cousin calls to me.
"Tonks," I say.
I crouch down next to Mother, "What are you doing here?"
"I come to tell to Nymphadora and Remus to tell them about what Teddy has been up to in the day," she says fondly.
"She keeps calling me Nymphadora!" my cousin says shaking her head. "She won't listen."
"Mother, cousin doesn't like being called Nymphadora," I say. "Are you done talking with them?"
"Yes," she nods. "I'll let you speak with them."
"Thank you," I (394) say.
She apparates away, "Has the school year gotten shorter?" Remus asks.
"We graduated earlier in memory of the fallen," I explain.
"We've been dead for a year Remus," Nymphadora chimes.
"You can't really tell time when you're dead," he chuckles.
"How's Teddy, in your opinion," Nymphadora asks.
"He seems good, he's sleeping next to Hermione at the moment," I say. "Wandered into the room after Aunt Andromeda fell asleep." "That's good," she says. "I still can't believe the two of you got married." Remus chuckles, "I did not expect it at all. She punched you in my year as your professor didn't she?"
"She says I deserved it," I says. "Really wanted to kill that bloody chicken, but we're friends now, he let me ride him."
"That's good," Remus says.
"Me and Mya were thinking," I say slowly.
"I'd expect both of you never stop," Remus comments causing Nymphadora to laugh.
"We were thinking of raising Teddy alongside our future children," I say. "Mya said specifically that she wants to wait until asking he was older to ask if we could adopt him. He needs parental figures and who better an adoptive mother than Hermione Granger. She's been dealing with children since she was twelve and now their war heroes."
The couple start laughing, "That sounds like a wonderful idea," Nymphadora says.
"I agree, our son needs someone who can keep up with him, he'll have the energy of a werewolf pup, I don't think Andromeda will be able to chase after him," he chuckles.
"So we have your blessing?" I ask nervously.
"Of course," they chime.
"Thank you, we'll do our best to raise him as best as we can," I promise.
"I expect as much from an overachiever and a Slytherin," Remus says.
I laugh, after recounting the last year to them I leave them to move to a different painting, and apparate home.
We have another long day tomorrow, we've got to go to the Burrow tomorrow and speak with Mrs Weasley, I can't imagine that going smoothly.
I get into my pyjamas quietly as Hermione stirs slightly then let out a yawn and go over to the bed and lie down on the other side of Teddy and curl around the two sleeping forms then let myself fall asleep.
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