[3.2: Carnage. Phase 2 (Side: B)]

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>Loading: Carnage, Phase 2 (Side: B)_

>Location: Coalition Army Encampment_

>Point of View: 3rd Person_

It was a cloudy morning in the special region. Large, dense clouds obscured the blue sky above, casting the valley in a foreboding gloom, though the weather didn't bother the men of the Coalition Army. Settled in a secluded valley near Alnus/Talionis hill, 100,000 men, legion after legion, stood in loose formation while their leaders discussed battle plans. Their armor, shields, even their speartips differed from each other, though their varied homes did little to reduce the high spirits of the conquest.

Inside the central tent, men of nobility sat at a round table with their helmets on the tabletop, mingling with one another as they spoke highly of their armies and bragged how their troops would single-handedly crush these so-called invaders. Two men, however, stayed out of the conversations and refrained from boasting their armies' might for their own reasons.

Sitting on a wooden chair was Duran, the King of Elbe himself. He watched as his colleagues flaunted their armies, making exaggerated statements of their effectiveness and might. But all of those statements had one thing in common: they all desired to be on the frontlines.

However, Duran had no interest in being at the forefront, seeing the endeavor as needlessly reckless. But merely being quiet wasn't enough to keep him out of the conversation.

Unexpectedly, a man in a green, finely crafted piece of armor sighed, catching Duran's attention.

"What is wrong, Duke Ligu?" the King of Elbe asked quietly.

The Duke of the League Principality, Ligu, mumbled his reply.
"Unfortunately...my army is incapable of taking the frontlines,"

Shaking his head mentally, Duran rested his chin on his fists as he closed his eyes, replying to Ligu with reassurance. "Do not linger in that thought, Ligu. There are less than 4000 enemies on Alnus hill. They appear feeble compared to our 100,000 soldiers. But glory does not always mean being at the forefront. Do you still believe in that flawed belief, Old Friend?"

Ligu leaned slightly towards him, "Hmm... I understand that being at the forefront isn't necessary to achieve glory. But I must ask, why are you unwilling to take the frontlines? Are your troops not known for their combat prowess up close?"

Duran exhaled before responding with a cautious tone, "I do not feel confident of the outcome for the upcoming battle."

The Duke chuckled at Duran's statement before making a humorous remark, "Hah! Is the passing of time too much for you, the Lion of Elbe, to handle?"

"No, Ligu..." Duran answered, "I am just concerned."


"Concerned about who we're going to fight. Did you not hear, old friend? The Empire suffered a terrible loss to the very same invaders that we are going to face. And it is because of this defeat that the Empire called for our aid to push these foreign invaders back."

Duke Ligu fell into a state of slight disbelief, "Wait! Are you saying that the enemy on Alnus could defeat the Empire at its strongest?"

"From what my messengers told me, I'm afraid so."

The Duke paled as everyone in the tent turned as an Imperial soldier walked in. Immediately, all eyes were on the young man as the messenger knelt to the kings, "Your highnesses, I am here to relay a message on behalf of the Imperial Army's commander."

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