Ch. 1.6 - New Toy

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Finn leads Harley into a weapons room. A glass window lines the opposite wall revealing an expansive room divided into sections. Some storm troopers are working on their target practice on the closest end. The laser bullets hit an invisible forcefield that breaks up the room's training areas. They keep missing. A ginger man stands behind them degrading them.

Inside the lobby, guns and various other dormant weapons line the walls. A couple tables are arranged throughout the room with tools hanging all around them. A now metallic-looking bat rests on the central table. Harley claps her hands and scampers up to the bat.

General Hux turns to see them through the window and speeds in. He snivels, "Don't touch that." Harley is already wielding it, testing the new grips added to the base. He sneers condescendingly, "You might hurt yourself."

Harley scoffs, "I think I know how to handle my own-" Her grip shifts and the end of the bat erupts into a blue beam. She jumps a bit and holds it out a bit further. She mutters eyeing the glowing end of her bat, "I'll have to look out for that."

She presses the button again and the light disappears, turning it into a metal bat again. She holds her hand close to the metal. It's already cool.

General Hux studies her disapprovingly, "Why Kylo Ren has commissioned you, I will never understand. You are clearly not qualified for this mission."

Harley squints at him. She ducks quickly and knocks the feet out from under him with the metal bat. She points it at him and presses the button, blue light glowing off of Hux's now squirming, fearful face. She requests lightly, "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" She eyes his red hair and mocks in a Draco-like sneer, "Must be a Weasley."

The general shrieks, "How dare you! I am General Armitage Hux, Commander of the First Order. Lower your weapon before I have you killed!"

Harley lowers the weapon, disarming the beam. She extends her hand, "Harley Quinn, nice to meet ya!"

Hux scowls and pushes it aside. Standing on his own and dusting off, "I've set up a practice area for you to get your bearings." He points at Harley, "Pull another stunt like that, and mark my words, I will have you cast from my ship through the airlock with the rest of the trash." He storms ahead to show her to her practice area.

Harley mutters, "Doesn't sound very eco-friendly."

He hollers back to her disapprovingly, "And put some pants on!"

A robot darts up to her with a bin full of her clothes, fresh from the wash. She rolls her eyes and digs through the bin. She holds up a pair of fishnet stockings, "This counts!" She slips them on and runs to catch up.

He takes her to a marked off expanse and nods at her to stand in the middle. She walks over to the center x and shrugs. He nods to another group of stormtroopers in a marked off area. One of them appears in front of her, looking sort of like a hologram. He fires at her and misses, hitting next to her feet.

She jumps as she feels the force of the blast at her toes, but there's no real damage done. She looks up, "You slimy little jizzwad, I wasn't ready!" She runs at him. He fires recklessly as she dodges each fire and bashes him in the head with the unarmed bat.

She hears a scream from across the arena and sees the stormtrooper falling to the ground. General Hux looks up to an overlook window above.

Kylo Ren is standing in the window watching with his arms folded. He nods down to Hux. Hux nods to the stormtroopers waiting on the sidelines.

Two troopers tap a device on their heads and appear in front of Harley. Harley flips the switch on her bat and it illuminates, "Game on."

She looks at Finn who's standing on the sidelines holding her taxidermied friend, "Hit it, Beaver!"

Kylo + Quinn: Book 1: Trauma Bound - Chapter 1: The Last HarlequinWhere stories live. Discover now