Ch. 1.14 - Food Fight

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Harley screams in excitement, "TACO TUESDAY!? NO WAY!" 

Harley, Poe, and Finn stand at the entrance of a cafeteria. A holopad sign out front blinks today's menu. "Taco Tuesday" scans across the top. She grabs Finn and Poe by the hand and drags them into the vast cafeteria which is surprisingly similar in style to Earth cafeterias.

She looks at the line of troopers, waiting for aliens of all shapes and sizes to dole out grub onto their trays. She cocks her head, "I thought this would all be automated out here."

Finn shrugs, "Beings need jobs."

Poe scoffs, "At least the Empire pays attention to its own military's economy." Finn jabs him in the side. Poe jabs back flirtatiously.

Harley trails off as she scans the room, "I don't suppose there's a margarita machine somewhere?" She spots Kylo sitting on a table, back facing her. His knights surround him joking and talking while he sits on his perch stoically listening to them recount their travels.

Harley interrupts Finn and Poe's elbow match,"SHIT," and shoves them in front of her to form a shell of safety around her.

One of the knights from the hallway encounter catches sight of them and nods. Kylo turns to look, revealing a deep-set slash across his eye, filled with the black leathery wound closure material. He watches Harley moving towards the line, trying unsuccessfully to use Poe and Finn to block his view of her. He sighs and shakes his head before slowly standing and walking in their direction.

One of the knights, Ushar, turns to another, "50 druggats on the clown trying to kill him again." 

Trudgen responds, "That's a given. 100 says he damn near lets her and we have to jump in." 

Ushar laughs, "Don't we have to disagree for this to be a bet?"

Vicrul chimes in, "I say he handles this himself."

They all nod, "Deal."

Harley looks at the food hungrily, scooting along behind Finn and Poe, who have taken the lead. 

Poe holds out his tray and the globby alien plops a tiny portion onto his tray. Poe raises his voice in offense, "Oh come on! I've been unconscious for like 3 days, can you at least give me a normal serving!?"

The alien scoffs and turns their head away muttering, "Rebel scum." 

Next to him, Harley addresses a different slug-like alien, excitedly building her taco selection, "I'll take the carnitas—what the hell is grilled porg? Oh, you have el pastore! Two of those. I knew you guys had limes! Extra limes, please. And don't hold out on the cheese!"

She's clearly charming the alien, who is excited to provide for her, "Slow down little lady! I don't suppose you'll want any hot sauce?"

Harley responds excitedly, not noticing Kylo has slid an empty tray next to her, "Ooh! What kind ya got!?" 

The alien grins and rasps to her, "For you, doll, I'll get my grandmother's homemade recipe. And a bottle of the special stuff." The slug winks.

Kylo remains still, his gaze directed down toward the food, careful to not interrupt. His mouth twitches into a smile for a moment, listening to Harley work her magic.

Harley beams at the slug, "Ooh! It better be spicy!"

The alien turns and slowly slithers to the back, "Honey, you'll breathe fire."

Kylo advises gently, so the alien can't hear, "I wouldn't get that if I were you."

Harley jumps and grabs the fork on her tray, turning quickly to stab his hand. He forces the fork to stop. Harley grips it with a second hand, and strains as she continues to try to push it into his hand.

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