Ch. 1.8 - Welcome to the Panic Room

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Harley and Kylo have passed out on the now busted bed. Blankets and clothes, strewn across the floor. The room is a wreck, a few dented walls, furniture broken. Kylo is wrapped around Harley, her head resting on his bicep for a pillow. His arms locked around her holding her close to him by the shoulder and waist.
--Real attachment issues with this one, huh? *Boy's got 99 problems and fear of abandonment definitely contributes to at least 5 of them.*--

Harley shivers in her sleep, his body heat not enough to combat the nightmares creeping in around her. She exhales into the dark void, her breath forming ice crystal smoke in front of her. She turns and looks around as voices whisper and hiss from the darkness.

A voice calls from the darkness, slowly morphing from an unrecognizable tone into the Joker's, "You really thought you could hide from me?" A hooded shape emerges.

Harley stands her ground, "It's over," she says firmly.

A red-lipped grin cackles from underneath the hood, blood dripping from his teeth and dribbling down his chin. He chuckles, "We'll never be over. I created you." The figure quakes and splits into 6 duplicates of the Joker, their shadowed faces reveal they are from different eras of his existence. They surround her, pressing in.

Harley stands her ground, "No. It's over... for good this time. You shouldn't be here." She turns slowly watching for potential attacks.

He taunts, "Oh, Harley, Harley, Harley." With each repetition, the voice jumps to a different Joker, "Remember what happened last time? Or did you forget?" The voices echo all around her and laugh hysterically. Hands emerge from the ground beneath her, grabbing at her feet.

She hears one growl from behind her, the voice warped, "Harleen." Breaking free of the grasping hands, she turns to face the hooded figure as it walks briskly towards her, "You don't belong here." It raises a hand towards her and a pain grows in her head.

Lightning flashes overhead and suppressed memories dance across the clouds. He lowers his hood revealing the face of Ren. Kylo reaches toward her, "What are you hiding?" The hooded figure locks her in a hold behind her, another Kylo echoing the question, "Where are you hiding it?"

She squirms and screams, "Get out!", as she wakes up and breaks out of Kylo's arms.

Kylo wakes up confused and processes Harley backing away from the bed in a panic. "Hey, hey, it's ok," he says a bit groggy, but calm and concerned. He reaches towards her.

Harley is still in the void, lightning cracks and lights up the darkness. Real world Kylo appears before her reaching to her. Kicking his hand, she yells to him, pain swelling in her voice, "I told you to stay the fuck out of my head!"

She backs away into another hooded Joker who grabs her from behind holding a knife up to her mouth. He hisses, "You used to be so happy to see me. Why won't you smile for me, darling?" He presses the knife into the corner of her mouth.

She throws an elbow into the shadow and turns to run.

Kylo squints in the dark to see who she's interacting with. There's nothing behind her in the room. He realizes she's sleep walking...or something. She's not fully here. He jumps off the bed and pulls on his underwear. She's naked and booking it for the door. He starts after her, grabbing her NASA shirt off the dresser.
--Technically, that's not mine. *Shh! We can get into that later.*--

A door appears in front of Harley in the darkness, she grabs the handle and runs through. The world turns upside-down as she passes the threshold. She tries to maintain balance as the void turns into a bright foggy abyss. She looks around the smoke, ready for a fight.

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