Ch. 1.11 - Goodbye

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--For all intents and purposes. This whole scene should probably be shot in 60 fps. *You know this will never be shot, right? It's all copyright locked.* A gal can dream. *Speaking of...*--

(🎵"Goodbye" by Billie Eilish🎵)

In slow motion, Harley plunges through the floor in her void and suspends underwater in darkness, barely hanging on to consciousness. Voices from the traumatic memories she just experienced fade in.

(🎵 "Please" 🎵)

Light from above dances across her suspended body.

Harley's voice echoes through the water, "I'm sorry. I'm not great at having people who are actually good to me in my life." Ivy's voice responds softly, "Same. Most people are trash."

(🎵 "Please" 🎵)

She reaches up to the light, towards the warm familiar voice. Shadows begin to pass over Harley's face.

Ivy's voice yells out in heated argument, "You want to know what my biggest fear is? Finally allowing myself to count on someone. I thought you could change but I was wrong. You still live your entire life based on what he might think!" Kylo's broken voice reverberates through the water below her, "I'm being torn apart."

(🎵 "Please, don't leave me." 🎵)

Harley tries to swim up, but keeps sinking now matter how hard she thrashes at the water.

Ivy yells, "I have done everything in my power to keep you away from that ass clown because I truly believe you deserve better, but you know what? I am DONE believing in someone who just doesn't believe in herself."

Harley pleads, "Red, please don't go."

(🎵 "It's not true." 🎵)

She opens her eyes weakly as air escapes her mouth. Bubbles slowly rising to a surface too far away to see.

Ivy's voice states firmly, "You are who you are at your core. Now and forever."

Harley retorts stubbornly, "You're wrong, and I can prove it."

(🎵 "Take me to the roof"🎵)

Harley stops fighting, eyes pained by her past decisions.

The low growl of Snokes voice rumbles faintly, "You have too much of your father's heart in you, young Solo."

Ivy's memory states clearly, stern and hurt, "I think I'd rather go solo on this one, I need people I can count on."

Kylo's voice distantly responds, "I killed Han Solo. When the moment came, I didn't hesitate."

(🎵 "Told you not to worry"🎵)

She closes her eyes tightly and slowly sinks lower into the water. Her toes lowering into the darkness.

Harley's memory calls out, "Ivy hang on! We have so much ass kicking left to do."

Ivy struggles between pained breaths, "Harley...I can't."

Joker's laugh rings out hysterically. He says innocently, "Oops." Harley screams out in heart-wrenching pain.

(🎵 "What do you want from me?"🎵)

Seaweed vines creep in from the light above, slowly reaching down to her.

Cassandra's voice fades in, excited and enamoured, "You're a mercenary? How long have you been your own boss?"

Harley responds exasperated, "I really can't get rid of you can I, kid?"

Cass, "Pickpocketing is fine and all, but I've got real potential...can't I stick around and learn something from you?"

Harley compromises, "Fine, but we're going to have to establish a few rules."

(🎵 "Don't ask questions" 🎵)

Harley looks up to the light fondly.

Cass questions, "Seriously though...How did you get to be here? A cushy apartment, your own business. I want what you have."

Harley responds, "Now, that's crazy!"

(🎵 "Wait a minute" 🎵)

Cass pleads, "Come on! Woman to woman. How do I be like you? Except for the crazy part."

Kylo's voice echoes distantly, "We can teach her to harness the power of the dark side."

(🎵 "Don't you know I'm no good for you?" 🎵)

Shadows pass across her face. She looks down to the depths below.

Harley's voice grows darker, "No one is like don't want to be like me, kid."

(🎵 "Baby, I don't feel so good." 🎵)

With a sickened grimace, she curls her legs into herself like a fetus in a womb, pulling her toes away from the darkness as she descends.

Harley argues with Cass melding with Snoke's voice, "You're just a child!" Harley continues without Snoke, "It's too dangerous. Stay here."

(🎵 "And all the good girls go to Hell." 🎵)

Her head jerks in a guilted wave of pain and tightens her ball. The vines reach closer, catching up.

Cass yells hopelessly, "Why don't you believe in me!?"

Harley responds hurt, "I do... Fine. Just this once."

(🎵 "Bite my tongue, bide my time." 🎵)

The vines start wrapping around her wrists and legs, pulling her limbs to get her to straighten out of her fetal position.

Joker cackles condescendingly, "You know you can't stand on your own Harley, you're not the type! You need me."

Snoke's voice rings out, "You couldn't even show her the true power of the dark side without my help."

(🎵 "What is it about them?" 🎵)

Harley tightens her eyes shut as darkness dances across her face. The vine reaches out and tickles her cheek. She suspends almost fully in the darkness of the depths of the water. The murky light barely bleeding down into the space around her. Her feet hit the sandy ground of the ocean floor. Sand expands out in a cloud around her feet. Her toes reach again for the solid surface, pulling against the vines holding her up.

Kylo's voice whispers near her ear, "I'm sorry," blending into her apology to Cass.

Harley, "I'm sorry, kid, I shouldn't have gotten you involved in this."

Cass responds triumphantly, "If we're apologizing for shit. I took your ring."

Harley responds confused, "My ring?"

Joker's voice growls sinisterly, "Til death do us part."

Harley's voice cries out in a panic, "Kid!!"

An explosion rings out.

Orange light dances across her face with the muffled sound of the explosion. She remains suspended in the vines as the water drops and rushes out beneath her like a popped water balloon.

(🎵 "I'm the bad guy." 🎵)

She grips the vines, partially suspended, toes stabilizing her swaying on the ground. Water pours down her face as she takes a big gulp of air. She opens her eyes with a new fire alight inside her. Red light glinting off of them.

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