| chapter 5 |

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"How much longer?" y/n asked. She felt as though they had been walking for at least a week, wherever they were must be at least 50 acres of land each way.

"Just walk and stop whining like a spoilt brat," Void spat. How could someone not just obey simple rules and keep their mouth shut?

Her queries and complaints were agitating him, not to mention the frustration building inside of him from not being able to touch her. Y/n began to speak but decided against it, staying quiet like he demanded.

As they walked she tried to make sense of Voids mind. He had been proclaiming all of these absurd statements, telling that he was obsessed with her and he needed her. Yet when she opened her mouth or tried to make small conversation to loosen the deathly silence between them, he became a fiery ball of rage and acted as if he hated her very existence, which, quite frankly, she would have preferred.

After about another 20 minutes of walking, various stitches in their sides, and not to mention the multiple blisters on their heels, Void and y/n stopped outside a cosy looking cabin in a small clearing between trees.

"What's this?" She asked, looking around mindlessly at their surroundings.

Void opened the gate for her and she walked through, following him up to the door. "It used to be a cabin for soldiers to stay during the war, now I just come here from time to time."

y/n nodded as they entered the cabin. It was very put together for being owned -if that's what you want to say- by a demonic nogitsune. It was an open room consisting of a small round table with three chairs, a battered down couch, a log fireplace and a lonely single bed in the corner.

"So what are we doing here?" She asked, watching Void take off his jacket and jump up on the bed.

"We, little one, are going to get as far away from your silly 'pack' as possible, and then hopefully you will come to your senses and we can live happily murdering people in the night," Void stated, throwing quotation marks around the word pack as if to make a point that they are nothing other than a punch of stupid teenagers who happen to be supernatural.

y/n scoffed, moving to sit at the table while keeping a cautious eye on Void. He frowned when she sat down, almost pouting.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I thought you were gonna come sit beside me," he sulked, shifting slightly to make more room beside himself.

Standing up, she slowly walked over to where Void way laying, leaning down so their faces were mere inches apart.

"Just because you let me live, just because you are acting good guy, just because you confessed your sudden obsession or love whatever you want to call it, does not mean I am going to fall in love with you," she spat, lifting her arms off the bed to return to her spot on the chair

Before she could turn around, Void sprang up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer to him yet again. "Oh really?" He seethed.

"You heard me right."

"Liar," he hissed, tightening his grip on her.

y/n winced slightly, but managed to keep a straight face, not daring to show any weakness against him.
"I am not," she responded simply.

Void smirked as if he knew something she didn't. "Yes you are, do you want to know how I know little one?"

y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Go ahead then, saying as you seemingly know everything."

Void yanked at her wrist, causing her knees to buckle and fall against the bed. Her ear was now in contact with his lips, and she found amusement in the amount of times he managed to get her in this position.

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