| chapter 8 |

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"I'm bored. Entertain me," y/n said, jumping out of the bed to go sit on the couch beside Void.

"No," he grumbled, his eyes were focused intently on the ground and y/n was frustrated. He barely paid her any attention since earlier when he got mad and choked her.

"Please," she begged, dragging the word out like a needy child.

Void got up and walked over to the tiny kitchen area, leaving her sulking on the couch. He had allowed her to go to the shop earlier to grab some snacks after she pleaded for what felt longer than his lifetime for him.

She returned like a happy puppy and he was honestly surprised at why she didn't just run back home to her mutt dog friends and the screamer.

Instead she actually came back, excited to tell him about her trip but instead he just brushed her off, afraid if she said something he wouldn't be able to control himself after the way she left him earlier.

"I have no way of entertainment," he replied sternly, searching through the things she bought to see if he could find anything to please his appetite. He would much prefer to be having her right now, but food would have to do.

The majority of things included crisps, sweets and a whole lot of junk food but she had also managed to pick up a bunch of bananas and a bag of apples.

He picked out and apple and returned to where y/n was still sulking, god she could be such a child sometimes, and sat next to her, munching on his apple like a starved horse.

She turned to look at him and an idea sparked in her mind. "I know! We can play confessions," she giggled, watching Voids expression turn from one of contentment to confusion.

"We're not in a courthouse little one, what is there to confess?" He asked, clearly not grasping the concept of the game title.

She rolled her eyes playfully and turned her body so her back was against the arm of the sofa, crossing her legs to even the space between them.

"Not those sort of confessions. It's kind of like truth or dare minus the dare. I ask you something and you confess whether you've done it or not. Please play with me, I'm going to die of boredom if we don't do something," she explained, adding a soft beg at the end in hopes he'd cave.

Void contemplated his options. Playing the game with y/n meant he could get to know her better outside of all the time he spent watching over her. Although that also meant that he would have to reveal some facts he would much rather keep to himself.

His heart -if even- won over his head in this debate, wanting to learn all there is about his little one in the time they had left together.

He knew her pack wouldn't agree with her about what she said the other night, and at this moment they were probably plotting all the ways they could hunt the pair down and get rid of him forever.


"Alright I have the location, it looks like some woods just outside town," Lydia announced, checking the map on her phone to make sure y/n's tracker was correct.

"And Malia should be back soon with some items of hers for Scott and Isaac to track her scent," Sheriff added.

Argent and Deaton, who Scott had called over, were in the back room gathering the necessary supplies they would need to knock Void out. Deaton had managed to find more Letharia Vulpina that Argent could use to knock Void out for a while.

"What's my job in all this?" Liam intervened. They had been explaining their plans for the past half hour or so and he was curious as to why his name hadn't been mentioned.

my villain, my loverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon