| chapter 14.2 |

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When Stiles came back inside that night he was silent, refusing to talk to anybody and keeping out of people's way whenever it wasn't absolutely necessary.

The only time he spoke was when he told Scott that y/n was 'staying in the barn with Void to question him' and that she had asked not to be disturbed.

The pack believed him, they knew he wouldn't intentionally do anything that would ruin their plan to get rid of Void, even with their difference of opinion.

That night everyone slept sound knowing y/n had returned to them, most of them hopeful that things would go back to normal, except Stiles. He was awake all night. He knew he was in immense trouble as soon as they found out y/n had gone again. He knew he could lie and say he had nothing to do with it, but for some reason he wanted them to know he contributed.

y/n had asked for them to let her go, had practically begged them not to come find her, and all with good reason. Stiles was simply trying to keep them safe, the same way y/n was, only he feared that they wouldn't see it the same way.

When he began to hear shuffling about after the sun had risen he got out of his bed despite having not slept a wink. He was greeted by his dad at the door, who seemed was just about to come in.

"Morning dad," he croaked, trying to keep the shakes of his body to a minimum so not to bring attention to himself.

"Morning son, I was just coming to let you knew that we're all about to have breakfast if you want to join, Melissa made pancakes and bacon."

Stiles nodded his head and without a word began to walk through the hallway and down the stair to where everyone was sat at the kitchen table.

He noticed Scott and Argent were gone and he felt his heart drop, fear coursing through his body.

"Where is she?!" Scott yelled as he came through the door connecting the back and the kitchen. Stiles noticed his eyes first, they hadn't even gone red, they were just filled with pure fire.

Everyone at the table jumped slightly at the outburst, it was not what they had been expecting so early in the morning.

"What are you talking about?" Melissa asked first.

"y/n, she's gone, and so is Void," Argent answered her, shooting a glare straight at Stiles.

He felt his face burn up with embarrassment, it was now or never.

"It was me."

The words came out as no more than a squeak, and he was surprised anybody had even managed to hear him.

Now, Scott's eyes were glowing, and he was mad. The room had fallen silent, most of the occupants were still too tired to understand what was happening, but right now Stiles felt as if everyone had disappeared and it was just him and Scott there, staring at each other in pure silence.

"What do you mean it was you, what did you do?" Lydia asked first. Stiles broke Scott's deadly gaze and turned to look at Lydia, pure shame coursing through his system.

"You guys- you wouldn't listen and we- I made up a plan to get her out after Void woke up. You all blatantly ignored her pleads when she was first taken and- and I couldn't just let that go. We all know what Void is like, and if he wants to kill somebody, it will happen. I- she- they left early this morning while you were all asleep, and Void was murderous, so instead of giving me that death stare right now Scott," his best friends name rolled off his tongue like poison, "you should be thanking me that you're still breathing right.

The McCall home was still, mostly from fear that a single movement would set their alpha off,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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